
HELP!?!?! I'm jealous! (Do guys like aggressive girls?)?

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I met this guy in college at a sports meeting and he asked for my number. He called like 5 mins later and asked to hang out the next day. I decided not to because I found that on his myspace he had alot of girls (s**y pic girl friends) so it was a warning sign. Also, he asked if I would spend the night at his place if we went out. I said I wouldn't because I barely know him. Then we met randomly somewhere and he asked if I want to come out with him and his friends that night he said hed call but I got no call. FASTFORWARD...6 months later...we have a class together and Im kinda distant still because I don't trust easily. I noticed this girl who he also knew in our class and she came onto him VERY strong, teasing him, giving him flirty looks. The second class they came in together and sat together. She was talking to him alot and even sucker punched his shoulder when he gave the wrong answer. I am extremely jealous. I like him but I thought he would be a pompous jerk with a million gfs. I still feel like I am missing out because she is talking to him ALOT and he seems interested and shes aggressive and I think she has him just because she was more outgoing. They are lab partners and I am crazy jealous, I can't concentrate. What should I do? What should I think? Am I missing out? Did I make a mistake?




  1. Well heres what I would do, If you like him be honest and let it be known because he probally is getting a sign that you don't if your not showing it so he's flirting with other girls keeping his my space page full of them, but I wouldn't make him take it down a notch until/if you two become serious because if you guys start talking you saying get rid of all the girls and don't talk to any but me will push him away. Don't show your jealousy but let him know that it bothers you because theres nothing wrong with that when we have feelings for someone we surely don't want to see him being flirted with or flirting and ask him how he feels about you, if he says he likes you then let him prove that he likes you and only you if he doesn't cut off the girls by himself then I would question if he's really ready to settle down with one girl and forget all the ones tempting him and flirting. Talk to him get to know him a little better and find out what he wants then take it from there if you both decide your into each other then have that talk about all the females if theres just nothing there or he just comes as a jerk about it then remain friends or nothing, don't get all mushy until you get on the same page with him. Good luck!!

  2. Don't put yourself down or regret the decisions that

    you have made, if I were you I would have done the

    same thing. You were just looking out for yourself

    instead of putting yourself out there to let someone

    hurt you or break the trust. If you still have feelings

    maybe start talking to him, but if your first instict

    was that this guy is a player, then you're much

    better off without him. He seemed to be moving

    way too fast such as, staying the night etc. I'm

    sure there are nicer guys that would take things

    slower and be easier to trust than him. But if you

    know what you want then text him or call him to

    hang out.

  3. just go up to him, grab him and give him a big kiss on the lips and punch out the girl out

  4. It depends. If she's his girlfriend now... forget about it. Stepping in on another woman's man is wrong and a little scandalous.

    But he sounds like a man-wh*re to me. If he asked you to spend the night at his place on your first date BEFORE you even went on one, that's a HUGE red flag. He doesn't seem to have much respect for women and you seem like the type of woman that deserves it. Don't be too pushy and flirtatious with men because they usually tag you as an easy lay. MOST men love a challenge and you definitely seem like a challenge. that's a very good thing, sweetie.

    I think the reason why he didn't like the challenge is because he's looking for an easy lay. Stay far far away from those guys unless your looking for the same thing.

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