
HELP! I'm writing an article about global warming but i don't know where to start!?

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I'm writing an article for my school newspaper.. about global warming.. the problem is i dont know where to start.. i dont have much time left either. its due tomorow! please help u can post some good webistes for me to look up or somehting.. anything would help...




  1. you can start with "Indeed, Al Gore, that fat pig liar fooled us with the lie of global warming with no PROVIDED evidence of it".

  2. Start by explaning that the earth had experienced warming and cooling stages for billions of years. Man made products over the last few hundred years may be speedign up the process right now but it is mainly a process of evolution. If at any point in your report you show positive light on ALGore I hope your teacher gives you a poor grade because he is a true moron and hypocrit. AL Gore once had a monthly eelctric bill over $10,000 and that does not sound like someone that cares about the earth to me.

  3. eh, start with an explanation about global warming. ^-^ i had to do a poster on it...

  4. Maybe a website about Al Gore can help he just won Nobel Peace Prize for it,

  5. first i thing you should start off with ''if everyone helped we could make a difference talk about how united we stand and we need to make to save are planet for the future '' someting like that all way i dont no if you have seen the movie the inconvenient Truth but that exactly what you need if you havent seen it look it up on the computer talk about how if we dont start to fight back now it will be to late later  how are iceberg are melting to ice is melting in Alaska and even the polar bears are starting to suffer because they cant find a place to rest and they ended up drowning how Florida while be under water in a 100 years and were running out of water . talk about possibilities if onl ppl cared a lil more for are future generations

  6. You might look at this web page  -  but I doubt you will:

    "A Fake Mechanism in the Stratosphere which Supposedly Creates Global Warming"

  7. We are not always perfect life is never perfect and that includes earth, However Evere since us humans started using dangerous chemichals we been hurting and destroying our selves.  this is a good start but you have 2 finish also on the second paragraph include when its started or history. second its effects and how we are hurting nature. third how we can prevent this and third tell what you just told about

  8. ASK AL GORE, and ask him what the h**l happened to it, i'm freezing my azz off under feet of snow.  and more to come.

  9. Did you know that the average American household produces around 6-7 times his/her own weight every year that's about 1000 pounds a year.

    that's what i would use

  10. You could start out by calling the endangered creatures. Youb could a;so make a graph from 2008 to 2010. You could also look in youtube, search up Algore and you will find some information there

    Good Luck :)

  11. johnny reb posted this

    Yes I do care about the environment, but their is no facts to support human's are causing "Global Warming". Here are so fact in regards to "Global Warming".

    1. That our earth has went through cycles, Agree?? Ok, Earth has been through Ice Ages right?? SO Earth had to warm up to get out of the ice age correct?? And here in the US, we have proof that part of the US was at some time under water of the ocean, thus Coastel Plain. Therefore earth has had higher tempertures that we have known.

    2. Earth spins on an axis, like a top, and a slight change in spin will affect our temp. Our magnetic pole change every year, proof that alterations occur.

    3. The sun burns hotter as time passes.

    4. Mars average temperture has also increased 1 degree alone with earth, thus the orbits of the plants has moved closer to the sun, if it was human influenced only, why did Mars temp increase the same??

    5. NASA, the experts on earth in my eyes, have not commited that "Human influenced Global Warming exist"

    6. Al Gore and like people own business that make money for carbin credits and what not, so there is clearly an agenda to promote Global Warming. If Al gore is so concerned about it, why did he fly from New York after recieving the nobel Price, to Arizona, for an after party, and had fresh food flown in from around the world, Ironic don't you think??

  12. You kids. Waiting until the last minute to do your assignments :-)

    Seriously though, after you read all the doom and gloom from St. Al Gore, High Priest of The Church of Global Warming, read this:

  13. For starters, congrats, even if it means criticism from your class mates...

    Try the following, at your discretion as all have opinions..

  14. you could start by googling global warming. or you can start with what is bad about global warming and what you can do to stop it. like riding bikes, using cfl lightbulbs and stuff like that. talk about some of the places it affects most like antartica and the polar bears. i hope that helps.

  15. I would start with the sun, that may help alot

  16. warming

  17. There are many contributing factors to global warming.  Deforestation,  buring of fosil fuels,  co2  increasing in the atmoshere.

  18. Maybe you should try to start with the past and compare it with the present situation,and what might be the possible outcome, or the existing negative outcomes as is already hurting the human include all living things...

    Good Luck...YOu can do IT!!!!

  19. Okay, understandable. You'll want to keep the readers attention. A good article is has to have 7 sen. paragraph... 5 paragraphs.... So here are the steps.

    1) Think of an Introduction to the Global Warming... start with a simple sentence. Add in detail. Create some more sentences introducing Global Warming.

    2) Start by thinking and researching these things....

    -By whom was the theory discribed?


    Research and create a paraghraph of the following things... (TIP=Add some info relating to the answers to the following question)

    3) What are some causes and effects of Global Warming? Think about it, expand your answers.

    4) Why is Global Warming still a THEORY? Why some scientists don't approve of the theory? Why not?

    5) This paragraph is the conclusion. Create a an XYZ ending including the body par. 1, 2, &3.

    End with a fact expanding to your introduction.

    If you still remember some things about EXPOSITORY writting. Then that will be much helpfull to.

  20. It is easy to use a search engine. Try it. You'll like it.



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