
HELP!!! I've got a problem with someone at school!

by Guest32164  |  earlier

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this ***** who hates me took a video of me on the toilet and she's threatening to show everyone! she already showed her friends and they call me names




  1. Report it and get the ***** expelled.

  2. tell her she's a L*****n pervert for taking a video of you on the toilet!

  3. report it to the police and charge her with blackmail,sexual harrassment, and invasion of privacy, plus possession of illegal p**n

  4. Report it. What she did/is doing is illegal, tell a counselor or the school police officer and they should do something about it.  

  5. Report it! That violates your privacy and it is completely inappropriate for her to even have possession of it.

  6. Recording someone without their knowing is illegal, call the police.

    you should tell a teacher.

    edit: it kills me that the lady above me is a teacher and still didn't type out "you" once.  duh.

  7. The h**l?

    Okay, this ***** has GOT to go. Tell her that it's just DISTURBING that she followed you to the toilet and took a picture of you. Seriously, girls don't DO that. It's GROSS.

    If she and her friends LIKE that kinda stuff though, they must be les or something! It's really DISGUSTING to be wanting to look a girl on the toilet!

  8. Your going to have to report it or either black mail her. Get something embarrassing of her and exchange the video with it. Other than that your screwed. :O How she managed to get a video of that is beyond me.

  9. that is absolutely discusting.

    first off this girl has problems.

    like seriously, tell the principal or ur parents.

    but try not to p**s the girl off 'til then cuz she mite show the whole school.

    i feel bad 4 u.

  10. u can get her prosceuted for that for infringement to privacy rights.

    if u want u can get the police involved- just cos she's a girl the law is not different.

    u can get the principal to deal with the police for you.

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