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my sister and i have become best friends ever since my older sister left, like literally left, and now she is back, but me and my sister that is leaving for college tomorrow are like best friends and our relationship is so tight. she always drives me places and takes me to movies and to the mall and buys me clothes and sunglasses and gets me ice cream and just basically takes care of me when my parents work during the day. and so yeah we fight a lot but we get over it in like one second and i have always thought yeah ok she is leaving for college and now it is really sinking in. i want to cry so hard and i am but i don't want people to know i am sad. she always told me what was cute or not, she told me i was beautiful every morning when i doubted myself and like i am really gonna miss her i know this is a lot and thanks for reading. I REALLY NEED HELP!!!!!!




  1. How old are you? It sounds like your sister meant a lot to you and did some nurturing as well.

    A lot of life is knowing that people come and pass through your life. They give you joy. But knowing how to connect to new people is very important.

    I imagine this is causing a bit of emotion for your parents too.

    Do you have an aunt or uncle, or a friend's parent that you trust? Is your school in session yet, and could you talk to a school councelor?

    Sometimes you can write about your feelings to get calmer. Or even write them down, tear the paper into pieces, and flush it down the toilet to *really* get the feelings out.

  2. Aww, I know how you feel.  My big sister has moved all around the country, and now she is living overseas.  I miss her like crazy but we email/SMS/talk on Skype often.  It's not the same as being able to see her whenever I want though.  Just know you and your sister will always have a special bond, whether she is close by or not.  You could write letters to each other, it's always exciting to get an old fashioned letter in the mail.  It's ok to feel sad about her leaving.  I'm sure she feels just as sad about leaving you behind!

  3. me and my younger sister are going through that right now. i leave in 4 days and shes starting high school. we always hang out and my friends love her. she's never been the annoying younger sister, she's always one of us (a cool kid to hang out with).

    like i told my sister, she needs to let go of me a little bit. i've always been there like a security blanket and now it's time to grow up some.  the blanket can be there but not constantly.  you need to grow up and be you're own person.

    one piece of advice though: those little fights that seem to be resolved within a few seconds won't always be like that. especially since you're feeling a lot more sensitive... being angry can sometimes replace the feeling of missing someone. (since you're angry there's no reason to miss them, right?)

    keep everything simple, just like it always has been. try treating her to the stuff she normally does for you. it will ease you into being independent from her and it will let her know you're going to be fine. and you're still keeping life the same.

    also try emailing, i/m, texting, etc. just because she's leaving it doesn't mean it has to be good bye.

    hope this helped.

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