
HELP!!! I AM scared?

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i am totaly serious i played an online quiji or however u say it online and i felt a chill for five minites and i couldnt move!! afterwardsi have had feeling of a horrible presence within my house and i have seen a brief quick blzck figure move from the kitchen to my bathroom and when i go to my sloset i feel like i need to go to the bathroom and when in there i have the urge to leave asap how do i get rid of it help!!! please if ur not goin to help dont answer i am really frightened




  1. that is scary im sorry...  you should get a friend to come over quick!!!!

  2. pray , pray to god and ask for forgivness. and quit playing with the quiji board . call a friend of family member to stay with yoiu.  and stop playing the quiji board

  3. just stay calm. your probably just being paranoid.. maybe get out of the house for a bit and visit a friend.

  4. that is some p**p i did it and every question was wrong and just lisen to some music and watch a movie comedy! and put on some lights if they go out panic :)

  5. grab your Bible start on the prayers, then call your priest asap and have him there to start on the blessing of your can also "command" it (spirit) to leave by using your Bible and being forceful with your can also get some fresh sage and start from the left side of the room bottom to top burning the sage so it is smoky and "clean the house" and you can do this to yourself as well starting from the bottom of your feet all the way to the top of your head.

    next time please do not mess with anything that has to do with spirits...most people do not believe this but it can happen, when you mess with this you have NO IDEA what you are letting into your home and not think that moving can get rid of a spirit sometimes that attach themselves to you and can easily possess you...also wear a holy symbol something of a protection and drink some holy water as well...good luck and GOD BLESS!!!!

  6. quiji boards is pretty much a portal to the dark side.. its a door that once u open... anything can come out.

    your house is probably inhabited now by some evil beings... ie demons.

    if ur serious... u need to get a pastor of some sort to come and pray with you IN your house, and have him bless it.

    tell the pastor whats going on.

    i've seen this before...

    are you a christian?...

    because if you are it would tremedously help.

    just pray the blood of jesus over you and your house.

  7. i think just finish the game..

    its your fault..

    i think you know the risk before you

    play thah S*** game...

    its a fiction.. just play the game until

    its finished.

  8. It was probably an evil spirit. Grab your crucifix/ whatever religious idol you have around your house.

    Why is this in Home & Garden?

  9. stay calm it might seem frighting but they cant hurt you trust me youl be fine

  10. read the Bible and say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus if you're Christain... I know that sounds funny but I'm serious. Also turn on lights and maybe call a friend over or if you can go to a friend's house. Have them pick you up not you drive.

  11. those things are really freaky sh-t. call a priest or get holy water or something. you gotta get rid of it. just say alotta prayers. the devil hates that. just turn on some religous music. you should be fine.

  12. plz go to a therapist maybe they can help you im not saying you are crazy im saying that a therapist can help you veryyy much.

  13. I would leave if you can. Instinct is usually right. If you have a neighbor or a close-by friend or relative I would stay there for the night...Also I've heard that having a preist bless your house or something gets rid of spirits...

    hope this helped :]

  14. calm down and search the house if your scared just call over some friends they always help but if your really scared call the police

  15. Good call win!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. 1.  NEVER go back to that website

    2. Time for an exorcism, contact your local priesthood authority

    3. Go live with  friend until you can get the "entity" evicted

    Kids - don't try this at home, it'll mess up your whole day ... and night.  Stay far, far away from anything associated with the occult.  Opening that door is an invitation for trouble, even if you don't believe.

  17. First calm down! Then you should call a friend, any friend i dont care, other wise a family member to come over. You need some one with you. Tell then exactly what you said here.

  18. you need to believe its not real, if your alone .. get on the phone with a friend to feel better. if not just chill with your friends, or make on come in the bathroom with you cuz your scared, just make them turn around while your peeing. thats what i would do (= p.s. its not real (;

  19. Playing with Ouija is like opening your car door in East LA and shouting out anti-gang slogans. You're inviting trouble.

    Firstly, I will pray that you will consider the alternative and that whatever is bothering you will leave.

    Secondly, if you have a bible in the house, I might suggest opening it up and reading through the first 4 chapters of JOHN in the new testament.

    Kind regards, and I am praying for you.

  20. i think you just freaked yourself out. take a minute and convince yourself that you are not seeing things and you will be ok.  if you keep telling yourself that you will start to believe it.  if you are religious saying a prayer will help too.

  21. I think it is all in your head, you are prolly just freaked out.  watch a good movie, a comedy that will make u forget about it, or play a really fun game onlline, focus on something else---if ur home alone call a friend over so you are more comfortable

  22. Take Bella's advice pray with the bible open. I know you saw a demon. They exist! Git rid of that d**n board and you may need to move to really ever be done with it. Trust me !

  23. Go outside for a while have a drink, man! Then go inside and if you feel nauseous you should see a shrink or something man!

    Just think of happy thats after all that's done(before words written) and if not do the same thing over and over again!

  24. smudge your house...its used in many religions...u burn sage and say a brief prayer....

    i recomend the second one ^.^ goodluck!

  25. ghost or the devil!

  26. you need to not be in the dark...put on the lights and some a video game until your eyes hurt


  27. settle down and read a good book, and sleep with the light on. remember that nothing out of the norm is really happening, your mind is just playing tricks on you.  just think of it as still daytime. Or watch a cartoon or ur fav. non-scary movie. it works for mee! :)

  28. COOL !!!!

    I wanna try that !

    I hope it works for me too

  29. Destroy the board and pray to the Lord for forgiveness for using the board and ask for his protection.  Pray out loud.  If you have a Bible open it and just start reading it out loud.

  30. if y our serious why is this under home and garden? maybe you could do  an online exorcism.

  31. You let evil into your house.. Pray! And (this IS Biblical) tell it to flee in the name of Jesus Christ. You have to demand it to leave (yes, out loud.)

    Also, if you have a Bible handy, read Psalm 91 outloud..

    Take authority!
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