
HELP I DONT NO HOW TO COPE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i reallyy love my boyfriend more than anything we have been 2geva for 9 months hes a little obsesive but i realy dont mind but mum hates him and says i cant see him out of school we were coping with that but he also gets angry he'd never hurt anyone but it is a problem and hes now been kicked out of school i dont no what to do cause i really dont want to leave him and its getting so hard he means the world to me but how can i chose between him and family its toooooooooo hard




  1. Stick with your family.  This guy is not good for you.

  2. Yr going to have to meet up a little less than b4 but you will enjoy it when you see him.  He will learn that he can't always get what he wants by throwing his weight around.  

    Just be as lovely as you are, and take this slower than you were.

    Slow it down - so that the chaos that is happening can come to a bit of a calm.

    Let it all settle a little & then take it from there

  3. Anger is a natural feeling, experienced when you feel frustrated, hurt, rejected or hostile. It's a powerful emotion, and unless it's managed properly, it can have a devastating effect on your family, your work and your overall well being.

    I think you should speak to your boyfriend and tell him how its effecting your relationship and he needs to change or else your relationship could be at risk and let your family know that he is trying to control it and see how it goes. Hopefully they will understand.  

  4. if he got kicked out of school theres your anwser.. why dont you marry him and live on welfare forever..??? what does he have to offer you but nothing..........................hes a quiter, so he will eventually quit on you

  5. You don't know how to cope? Coincidentally, you don't know how to spell either. Which is more important? Weigh the cost if you want a decent job interview in your future.

  6. There is too little information to make a clear assessment, but schools tend to be patient, and they have to follow procedures, so if he has been kicked out of school for his anger displays then it must have been done for a while, and that means he has a problem with anger management.

    Do not be fooled by him saying he would never harm you.

    A great many girls and women like you have thought love was so strong that their  angry man would not harm them and went further into the relationship before finding out that they were wrong.

    Very wrong.

    It is not a matter of choice between your family and him, even if that is what it looks like.

    Remember that parents want their children to be safe, and that appears to be what your family wants most right now, as well.

    If you want to continue the relationship you should tell him that he M U S T do something about his anger, and you must stand by that point, without giving in even a tiny bit, no matter how embarrassed he feels about doing it and no matter what other objections he may have.

    If he gets angry about that, and refuses, then you should leave him and RUN back to your family.


  7. actualy by your writing and the overall setting, i'd say you need to sit down and talk with your mom

    she gave birth to you, she love you and she Is going to protect her baby heaven or h**l...belive me i have a mom, i plan to be a mom, i dont plan to be overprotective, nor was my mom, but sometimes she took descisions for me as a minor that i didnt have the life experience to take yet

    she is your legal guardian by law till your 18 for a reason, this is the age the state consider most people mature enough to reason in a way they can make their own descisions

    your mom can be a resource, if you love him, and he is willing to change then she can help you two get him help (theraphy and anger management), and untill such a time he is better you can make arangements and rules for how and when you can meet

    however defying your mom on this, not being adult about this and trying to get him help...well if your mom is a resourcefull human your not going to get away with that, she is going to protect you even from yourself where she feel its nesicary

    if my kid came to me showing me they had the insigth to be mature about the situation, i migth be convinced to help and to make arangement, if they went into a 5 year old hizzy fit crying i am adult you dont understand i hate you or something, then i'd acount that towards lack of maturity and abilit to asses the situation, which just proves the parent is rigth and need to work harder to protect you from your own bad judgement.

    So I would strongly advice you to think things through, children is a parents most precious treasure, and despite contriary belif they have been young. So your ability to show maturity and work with her can and probably will have a lot to say on the end result. So instead of trying to tell her of (trust me it wont work to prove anything in her eyes but you being clouded and imature), I sugest taking the oposite aproach, and plead for her for help...admit your in over your head...admit you need help and he need help, and ask her to help you both

    and you migth get somewhere

  8. If he is kicked out of school, that means he is a bad kid and your live blinded your eyes and you cant see it. Listen to your mum

  9. if he was kicked out of school, i can see how your mother would be concerned about you seeing him. she just wants what's best for you, i'm sure. but if you really cannot be without him like you say, explain that to your mom. maybe work out some sort of "visiting hours" when he can come to your house everyday.

  10. You didn't mention how old are you.  Anyway, I know how you feel, but do you understand how your mom feels also?  It's a matter of understanding for both of you. Talk to your mom about what you feel.  You will hear also how she feel of your relationship. Mother knows best for her children.  If you already heard of her comments and you know it's only you can decide then it's up to you then.  You are choosing your own destiny.  

  11. Hey.

    I know exactly what you mean... a big f*ck you to those who are judging him because he got kicked out of school. The one I love got kicked out of school, but he is the sweetest, most amazing boy I have ever met. You are so right, everyone has their moments.

    Your mum is your mum... she's just caring for you, it's just natural for mothers to do that. She doesn't want you to get hurt, even though it may sound like she's trying to bar you.

    But she has no right to dictate your life to the extent that she determines who you can date and who you can't. If you love this boy, and if he loves you, stay together! I'm assuming you're a teenager, so it's not long until you can move out and build your own life with him; it is then that your mum has little to no say in what you do.

    So as I said, just stay with him! Your mum can give you all the grief she wants, but it's your choice and opinion that really matters at the end of the day.  

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