
HELP!! I NEED YOUR OPINIONS! Do you believe it is ethical to use human subjects for medical experiments?

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I need help on this, 1st: tell me if u belive it is ethical

2nd: if you do belive it is ethical, why do you think?

3rd: what are some pros for using human subjects?

4th: Give me alot of reasons why it IS ethical

Thanks guys ;]




  1. i believe iit is ethical because if it is a good experiment like for the comoon cold then we should test it right away on humans tohelp human kind!

    I do knot understand number 3

    and thats all your welcome bye =D

    (Hope this helps)

  2. ethical or not, it's already being done: double blind studies of yet-to-be-approved meds vs. placebo

  3. It is ethical under these two circumstances.

    1. The subject must have accepted the experiment personally.

    2. The subject must receive a large amount of money for participating in the test and if the subject dies the subject's family must receive a large amount of money if the subject wanted them to, unless the subject is suffering an uncureable illness and the medicine tested is a proposed cure for that illness.

    The reason it is ethical is that its no matter how you twist or turn it, humans are basically animals.

    While i dont enjoy animals being tested, humans can atleast say no.

    The pros for using human subject can basically be summed up into one thing: It gives more accurate results.

    Giving a lot of reasons for human testing is sorta hard, as there are mostly reaons for it being unethical, and very few for it being ethical.

  4. No. Last year one of my teachers got a holocaust survivor to come speak to us. She told us about how she was experimented on by Dr. Josef Mengele and she got chemicals in her eyes to try to make them blue. I almost started crying. It was so sad and disgusting that someone would do that. Testing on humans is so unethical. No one should do it to humans or animals. May your day be blessed. ♥xxooVenusWebster

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