
HELP!! I Need A Monologue!!!!!?

by Guest66085  |  earlier

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hey! im doing an audition in 6 days and i know i should have my monologue by now but i just cant find one :(

i need one that is 2-3 minutes long and everyone i have found is like 1 1/2 minutes or like 10 minutes and it making me crazy lol

im an eleven year old girl but i could play as old as like 16 (but it cant have "suggestive material" lol swearing is ok cuz i can change it)

and it doesn't matter if it dramatic or comedic but i really need one btw it's an audition for the advanced preformance company :)

also im thinking good morning baltimore for a song it has to be musical theater so do u think thats a good choice?




  1. I mean this in a helpful sense purely-- if you are looking to do acting professionally, it might be prudent of you to have a monologue repertoire of at least three varying monologues (comedic, dramatic, and contemporary, with perhaps something Shakspearean as well since so many theatres often do things by him and they will want to see how you act in that tongue).

    I'll source you a link to a website that has a host of many, many monologues in your age and time range.

    When auditioning for a big company like that, I highly suggest doing something you know, can do almost perfectly and in your own style, and (this isn't completely necessary) something that isn't extremely popular-- that would nix some things like Wicked and Phantom of the Opera. I think you would be able to perform Good Morning Baltimore well as long as you have the vocal range and ability and you are capable of acting it out fully.

    I'll source you as well to a website that will help you find a song you might like to do.

    I really do hope that you get it/in!

    I hope that that helps!!

    Hayley. : )

  2. Try this, because you need something that will show bits of your personality, thats right! You is what you try to show ;) Trust me on this. Go up there and start talking about something that is dear to you, you might not even plan this, If they ask you say "I wrote it myself" or talk about something that bothers you, but always positively, or something you have noticed on people, see? These are all subjects that you could go on forever. Good luck!

  3. our theatre teacher in my high school is a real actor.

    when i needed a monologue i went to him,

    he gave me a book full of them.

    if you have a drama/theatre teacher ask them,

    or look in a library

  4. Anne Frank is always a good choice for a young girl.  There are tons of monologues in the script and don't forget that you can cut anything that you want out, to shorten it or cut out lines that other people are saying to make it a monologue.  

    Good Morning balitimore is a bit overdone, but you can probably still pull it off.  If you do decide to change the song, you could change it to something that isn't so modern as Hairspray.  There are always good classic shows and shows from the 80's and 90's, you just have to search for the less heard of ones.


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