
HELP!!! I Think my Zebra Fish is Sick!!! It's gotten ridiculously HUGE!!!?

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A Few weeks ago we thought it was pregnant (the normal fat on the sides and belly). But now it's gotten so big it looks like the fish will pop at any moment. The skin is becoming very thin. We looked up sites to see what a normal pregnant Zebra fish looks like but we can't find one. The closest thing we could find was that the fish might be constipated. We are starting to freak out a little bit because this does not look normal at all. Any info would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Based on what u say... I pretty sure it is DROPSY!!!!

    My god, the most deadly disease a fish can get.

    What is Dropsy?

    Dropsy is a common disease among fresh-water aquarium fish.

    What are its symptoms?

    This disease is characterised by a swollen or hollow abdomen (Ascites). A concentration of fluid in the body tissues and cavities causes the fish's abdomen to become swollen and appear bloated. Swollen areas may exhibit a 'pine-cone' appearance caused by the fish's scales sticking out. You can best see this by viewing your fish from the top. Fish may also stop feeding, appear off-colour, become listless and/or lethargic, have sunken eyes, and hang at the top or stay at the bottom of the aquarium.

    The condition affects the fish's internal organs, ceasing proper function.

    What causes it?

    Dropsy is fairly easy to diagnose non-specifically, however, it is much harder to diagnose the cause. The main cause is bacterial infection. The causative agent may be introduced through food or dirty water. Edema second to kidney failure or ascites due to liver or heart failure are other possible causes.

    What are the treatments?

    Dropsy is not very contagious; however, if a fish is diagnosed with dropsy, it is important to remove it from the aquarium because the infected fish will contaminate the separate water and end up dying. If there are multiple fish, treat the afflicted fish in a specially established "sick tank" (Quarantine). Dropsy can spread from the ill fish, possibly causing stress among the other fish in the tank community. This extra stress may make the others vulnerable to dropsy or other forms of disease.

    Treatment may consist of antibiotics targeting the causative agent. They work best in the very early stages of dropsy. A more hands-on approach is to raise the aquarium's temperature a few degrees - slightly higher than usual. Adding Epsom salts (Magnesium sulfate) to the water (at a rate of 20 mg/L) helps to encourage the fish to expel unnecessary damaging fluids.

  2. Sounds like fish bloat

    or dropsy

    they are treatable if you hurry

    good luck

  3. Could be dropsy or swim bladder.

    Try feeding it frozen de-shelled peas. Chop up into bite size pieces.

    This acts as a laxative and sometimes does the trick!

    another option is to feed it some antibiotic fish food.

    I hope everything works out ok.

    Good Luck!

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