
HELP!! I am looking for a low cost start-up on-line business that works. Scammed twice already and struggling!

by  |  earlier

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Have spent some time looking through all the AUTOCASH, DAILYHUNDREDPAYMENTS, MEGASUCCESS, MONEYGENERATOR, MILLIONDOLLARSINFIVEMINUTES sites, and quite frankly my head is spinning!

Have any of you good folk out there actually tried an on-line business that works and you are still successful with?

If you have, I would really appreciate some guidance before I make another *** of myself and loose another shirt!

My sincere thanks to anybody that takes the time to reply.




  1. Here is a low cost business that has money back guarantee and it really

    works. Easy For beginners.

    No Hidden Fees and You can make money in 20 minutes.

  2. I think that it's a nice way to open a small shop on the ebay or any other dropshipping website . it is a great way to make extra money.  many products made in our china have the very good if you are seeking for something interesting can make money,Perhaps I may help you. I am a China's wholesale merchant ,We seek for the product which for various countries' tradesman they need 。We only earn the reasonable. please commission Contacts with me,If you need.

  3. Start with affiliate marketing.

    It is free to do, you don't need a website and you get to work the hours you want.

    Affiliate marketing is all about promoting someone else's products and earning a commission for each sale that is made. This can be anything up to 75% of the price of the product.

    All the work has been done for you. All you have to do is promote it.

    There are many affiliate marketers who are making a full-time income just by doing this and have given up their day job.

  4. Hi,

    You can get a free ebook on affiliate programs here:


  5. I have been through what you are facing right now and know how frustating it can be.  My advise is to put to a stop on purchasing anything right now.  Don't spend anymore of your hard earned cash.  Sit back and do lots and lots of research.

    There is no such thing as "Get Rich Quick" scheme.  There are too many SCAMS out there.  You have to get yourself equipped with the knowledge of internet marketing.  Do research and get hold of a proven and trusted resource that can teach you the neccessary knowledge of doing business online.

    I'm a full-time internet marketer for the past 2 years and I feel leaving the life of 9 to 5 job is the best ever decision I ever made in my life.  No more working hard, slogging long hours JUST TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE RICH!  

    I did a lot of research on available programs.  Through this research that I managed to find a program that  is TRULY GENUINE IN TEACHING US THE SECRETS OF MAKING MONEY ONLINE.  

    So don't rush trying to jumpstart your business.  Wish you success.

  6. My friend just told me about this yesterday- she and her husband did it about 6 months ago and it's been working great for them. I'm going to sign up within the next week or so! (She's a reliable person)

  7. You need to be honest, persistent & patient. Then only you can be a success in online business. There is NO GET RICH QUICK thing in reality.

  8. Are you looking for "a get rich quick scheme"? FORGET IT!!

    Do you like people? If you do take a look at my web site this is a business that is endorsed by Donald Trump. Once you have looked at my web site you can contact me fromit by email.

  9. Here's a great business you can start and it doesn't cost you one red dime.  Matter of fact you don't even need a website or list.

    Join for free, advertise it and watch the money pour in!

  10. Hi why not try affiliate marketing. Lots of free information available on line on how to build your business. is a good free guide on setting up your business

    Now affiliate marketing will not meke you money overnight. You need to work really hard at it but it works for me. Maybe it will work for you too

    I know how you feel because in the beginning, i too invested some money and found a lot of these programs to be a lot of hype and false promises

  11. Here's my advice. Save your time and money and stop looking because there aren't any.

    You have people with degrees living in their cars because they can't find work. Why does any reputable company need to pay for someone to take a survey, etc?

    If you are that much of a go-getter look around and come up with your own best idea to start a company. The world needs entrepreneurs and good ideas.

    Stop paying for some other guy to sell you a bill of goods and end up just taking your money.

    Have faith in your own abilities.

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