
HELP! I am too old for acne?

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Ok its not real bad, but I am almost 32 and I have tried everything. Even ProActive. The derma.Dr. said I don't have a big enough problem fo him to treat me. For me its just annoying as h**l. It's only bad at that time of the month. So if anybody has a home remedy or some idea. Please help!!




  1. It helps to drink alot of water. I use Proactiv and INfinite skin. And they both work really well. But if you don't like Proactiv, try SkinID. It has you take a survey to know your stress level, age, what kind of ance you have etc. so it know the exact thing to give you. It's really cool, and I heard it works. Good luck!

  2. St. Ives apricot gentle cleanser... its amazing!  Also, on those big "i won't go away" zits use a little bit of rubbing alcohol... its magical!


  4. Darling, my DAD still has acne and he's retired. Some of us just don't outgrow it. ProActive doesn't work for me, either.

    I love the mineral powders for concealers, which help keep my skin clear. Also, try using clay-based masks once or twice a week to soak up the oil. Neem is my fave!! (Bath and body works), and it even shrinks boils.  

  5. wash your face more

    around your menstrolcycle

    and dont touch your face

    as much

    and well mostly

    every girl gets acne around

    that time.

  6. um...yea... proactive doesn't help at ALL! my friend went to this one skin doctor, and he said that she was wasting her money on that c**p... The cheap stuff at walmart works TONS better! You just wash your face or where ever you have acne with the stuff for several days until it clears up! Good luck

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