
HELP! I could be pregnant, but the test was neg. I started but it was only for 2 days and completely stopped.

by  |  earlier

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Then my period came back BUT it was only spotting and for only a day. NOW... I have had a headache for 3 whole weeks. Advil, Excedrin, Tylenol nothing is working. Just 2 days ago, at night, I was feeling fluttering in my stomach. I know its to early for anything like that, but I am very regular in that dept and I know it could be gas, but I have never had it before. Also, every time I eat (this has been going on for a while) I get so sick at my stomach and it cramps up. Yes, I have been pee peeing a lil more than usual but I drink a lot of sweet tea. I used to be able to drink alcohol frequently and a lot but recently 3 beer and I am DONE SON and so sick for a while. Any ideas??




  1. Another sign of pregnancy is tender b*****s.  However, you really should see a doctor as something else could be wrong.  (And if you ARE pregnant, you need to know so you can stop drinking.)

  2. You need to talk to a doctor. If you haven't yet, you can try taking the pregnancy test first thing in the morning--that is when it will be the most accurate. But whatever the result, you should probably talk to your healthcare provider.

  3. Its possible take a test to be sure.  But periods can range from 2-7 days and if you have hormone issues you can bleed even longer.  Implantation bleeding that would indicate pregnancy is very light like a pink or brown and it would stain a pad.  It is possible to have something like a period when pregnant.  But that does not always mean pregnancy.  You wouldn't feel fluttering at 4-5 weeks along.  Like i said take a test to be sure!  Good luck!

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