
HELP! :[ I don't know what to do with my life!?

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* I don't know If I picked the right category >///< bad? *

Hello! I'm a 16 year old gurl who is having abit of a problem in life; like any other teen.. First things first; I live with my dad only and we are having problems with money.. RAWR@CREDITCARD. >:O Anyways.. I'm doing okay in school ( as far as I know..) but..It's not enough.. I get depressed due to small problems , I'm lazy [Main problem!], my vocabulary isn't in tip-top shape ( I started to read more often though ) .. I'm a slow learner [2nd main problem], shy, I hate studying ( Who doesn't!? I REALLY need to change that.. Since I'll have SATs or whatever O_O ) I'm addicted to the computer, I'm freaking out about my future! I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up D: I draw okay ( People say I have talent) but without going to an art school I doubt I'll make any progress.. Since we are having money problems, I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to go to an art school.. I wanna get a job but like I said I'm shy.. I'll be too scared to approach those people..Haha.. I need help with the stuff I listed above :[[ What can I do to improve myself before its too late? I'm really scared about what would happen after my dad passes away+when I turn 18..There's so much I've got to learn -sigh-

Thank you muchies! ^_^ Nyaha <3




  1. oh, hunbuns.  i&#039;m going off to college tomorrow, and i was basically in ur position 2 years ago, minus the financial difficulties.  

    number one: nobody ur age knows what they want to do.  nobody.  if someone has an idea, it&#039;ll probably change.  u find what you want through doing.  join clubs or volunteer.  I took an anatomy class at school as an elective, and later studied more about the human body at a local morgue.  i found that i want to be in the medical industry, i don&#039;t know what exactly but i have all of college to figure that out.    

    two: financial problems are common, that&#039;s why public schooling is free.  don&#039;t worry about that, focus on your schooling.  

    three: studying is rarely fun.  it&#039;s not, actually.  it&#039;s utterly necessary to succeed in anything.  set aside time, and clear all distractions.  you&#039;ll do fine in school.

    four:  art school? srsly?  unless you want to spend $50,000 to manage a barnes &amp; noble, don&#039;t do it.  

    five: job, just apply, it&#039;s a simple form that filled out alone.  i got a job at target, it&#039;s annoying, the customers are rude, the pay is low, but it&#039;s motivation to study and do well in school.  if you don&#039;t, you&#039;ll have to work at target until you die.  

    six: never give up on yourself.  you sound like a decent person, and you&#039;ve expressed concern, so you do care.  you&#039;ll do fine, but it&#039;s life, you&#039;ll have to work hard.    

  2. You&#039;re only 16 you shouldn&#039;t be freaking out on what your going to do with your life.  Most people your age have no idea what they want to be when they get older.  Just keep going with school, work hard.  Mabye get a simple job now to save up for money for yourself, so you wont have money problems.  You might just grow out of your shyness or mabye that&#039;s just the way you are.  There is nothing wrong with people shy, a lot of people are.  Just don&#039;t let it get to the point where it is hindering your future.  Remember its your life! Make it how you want it.  

  3. try this:

  4. First of all, you are only 16. That&#039;s a huge plus, so calm down.  Secondly, you are putting a negative spin on just being a normal person. We are all lazy when we feel we are not focused or when things are in a confused state.  Handle what you can and the rest will become less worrisome.  Third, you are aware of things that you want improved. So now all you need is a plan to work on those things. Reading more and therein studying the style and mechanics of the writer will help to make you a better writer.  Art is rather subjective, so as long as you get practice, you will develop your own style. Practice makes perfect, and what you regard as artistic may differ from what others regard so. That&#039;s called taste, and we all have different taste.Fourth, regarding art school and not having money, there are plenty of grants, loans, and scholarships that you will be able to take advantage of.  

    Don&#039;t worry about all of something at once, like college. Take life a bite at a time.  OK, say you have little to go to college on. Go two years to a community college (it&#039;s super cheap!), possibly while still living at home if your family is ok with that. Now, you can apply for grants and so on for going on to getting your bachelor&#039;s degree. As you work through community college, you may be able to work locally or sell some of your artwork. (You may even be able to help out your dad with the bills.)  

    Read lots of fiction and nonfiction. Read what you enjoy. I used to keep a word list when I&#039;d read. When I&#039;d come across a word I didn&#039;t know, I&#039;d write it down and look it up later. Study the context in which it is used in your reading. Stop and look it up while you are doing your reading if necessary to understand the passage.  Being addicted to the computer isn&#039;t such a bad thing either. In fact, I think today&#039;s young people are a bit more self-educated than their parents were. You learn a lot on the computer, but it&#039;s like reading books, newspapers, and magazines. You can read worthwhile stuff or you can read junk.  Spend time on different types of sites. Reading is invariably beneficial in one way or another.

    Just always do the best you can, and don&#039;t waste time beating yourself up looking too hard for deficiencies. It is ok to stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy life. Love it. Never feel bad for savoring it; doing so is never a waste of time.

  5. im haven trouble too, life is so short that i cant fit all the things i want to do in 10 years, sucks doesn&#039;t it?

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