
HELP I feel terrible! hangover?

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oh my gosh i feel like c**p. i have the worst hangover ever...i feel like im gonna throw up but mentally i cant bc i hate throwing up. if i throw up will i feel better?




  1. I have a horrible hangover myself, buddy. I was up throwing up all night and hardly got any sleep. Throwing up definetely helps. It gets rid of some alcohol in your stomach that might just be sitting there to only get you more ****** up. It's ok to throw up.

    1st of all, you need to know your limit of alcohol. Stop! when you know you've reached it. It's just stupid to go overboard especially when you know the consequences.

    Drink lots of fluids. I usually crave citric luqids like lemonade. Try that. Eat even though you are not hungry. Don't stuff yourself though. Get some rest and DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!

  2. Yes it will make you feel better. You should just start drinking more though it will cure a hangover, works for me.

  3. Yeah light beer works best for me, since it's 80% water anyway.

    Otherwise, the saltines and V8 previously mentioned is a good call.

    An Asian woman at the Vitamin Shoppe told me to try coconut milk.

    Good luck.

  4. It might.  You need fluids, lots of them.  And sleep.

    Be more careful next time! (Been there, done that myself!)

  5. Throwing up does make me feel better.

    Just drink lots of water and juices. and take some motrin

    Try a pickle.....that's what I eat when I have  a hangover ---

  6. the throwing up should have happened before you passed out, but I'd make abloody mary and not throw up anymore. Or just take it for four hours, obviously the hangover feeling goes away

  7. banana shake


    vanilla ice cream

    cold beer


    hot spicy soup

  8. Then you should learn your limets on how much alcohol you can take in your system.

  9. stick you fingers down your throat and let it fly. You will feel better. Then have a few beers to balance your self out.


  11. I would throw up, but I know that's hard for some people.  Try saltines and a V-8.  Or, I know it sounds crazy, but a little bit of the dog that bit you.  (My mom used to make my dad hot totties and they had whiskey in them... I opt for the beer or tomato-beer).  

    Next time, (my nephew, he's 25) taught me this trick, and it seems to work.  BUT you have to do it before you go to bed on the night you drink.  Drink at least two 16 oz. glasses or bottles of water.  I swear by it.

  12. Drink lots of water and take some B vitamins. B always perks me up after a long night of drinking water will replenish the lost fluids because alcohol dehydrates you. If you can get one of those 5 Hour Energy shots those are even better...liquid B's. Hope you feel better.

  13. Eat honey on drink fluids, and eat a banana too, fo the potassium.

  14. Gatorade (or any other high electrolyte beverage), water, vitamins and fruit (mainly those high in B and C vitamins). The hangover is caused by dehydration causing you to feel ill, the only thing that will help is rest and rehydration. I find that gatorade or powerade works best.

    I also find that if I am out and know I will be drinking a lot, that drinking a bottle of water in between every couple of drinks helps you to completely avoid a hangover!

    Good Luck!

  15. No, throwing up will not always make you feel better. you need to drink lots of water, that's what a hangover is, it's dehydration. Drink plenty of water and eat something even though you might not want to. Something with bread and grease will help even though you wouldnt think so and it doesnt sound good. a greasy burger will do the trick. Being a bartender for the last 15 yrs i've seen and had my share of hangovers and it always works.

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