
HELP! I found a bird nest in my tree; How do i get it out!?

by  |  earlier

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My parents have INSISTED that we get rid of that tree, because its getting in the way of our new re-model on the house. There is a nest with 2 babys and an Egg in there; And i dont want the construction workers hurting or harming the baby birds! What Can I do!? PLEASE HELP.




  1. Take it down.

    and then take it to an animal shelter.

    face it, they will die without their parent's.

    but anyway, use a ladder.

    or a chair.


  2. trow rocks at it=]

  3. the mom and dad birds cannot do anything once the tree is removed.they cannot carry the egg or the chicks.remove the nest and place it on a tree near the one that's going down...the parents must be able to see it.

    if there are no parents,just make sure you take good care of the birds.

    hope my advise helpd

  4. posion or jus shoot the birds when they come

  5. Your parents are actually breaking the law if they destroy this nest..all wild native birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treay Act...they could be fined or jailed for this. You need to contact your local US Fish and Wildlife Service for advice on how to remove this nest safely or a wildlife rehabilitator who will be willing to take in the birds. Also, if there is a safe area to move the nest to..that is not too far from the original can do this. If the parents can still hear the begging calls of the babies they should still be able to find the nest. This is why all tree trimming, tree removal etc. should be done the other 8 months of the year that are NOT breeding season. Look for a local rehab here if you need one:

  6. Make sure you don't touch the babies. The mom won't be able to find the birds if you touch them, because she won't recognize them. I've never moved a nest with eggs and babies in it, so I can't help you there. Just make sure you DON"T touch the babies!

  7. Good Question

    Call a local animal shelter for advice on this.   For that matter Call PETA.    I really don't like PETA but maybe they can offer some advice.

    The best advice I can offer is to wear latex gloves and a facial mask and goggles before moving the nest to another tree.   That is an uneducated best guess because I have heard that human scent will cause a mother bird to abandon her babies.

    If the branch is small, you can have somebody remove the entire branch without touching the nest.   Then your challenge will be to get the nest into another tree.    I might even try to graft the branch into another tree if the branch was an inch or less in diameter.  

    Good Luck

  8. Chain yourself to the tree.

  9. DON'T! the eggs won't hatch when touched by a human.  it's true.  unless you get an incubator and put the eggs in there they can never get the warmth they need to hatch.

  10. It is possible first to only get rid of the branches that are in the way?

    if you move the nest you have to make sure the parents are seeing it, so that they will find it, first locate a spot in your yard, then make sure that tree will not be cut in the next 3 weeks. It can be a shrub with a LOT OF BRANCHES UNDer so that predator cannot come and get the babies (squirels, racoon, cat or whatever), I would do it also with gloves so that they so not smell you (and maybe go dress as a big bird (joke) )but then you have to monitor them, make sure that the parents are coming for them otherwise they will die. you could also bring them after to a reab, but from experience, baby birds rarely make it when they are remove from their parents and never give them water as it goes in their lung and then they die or pneumonia.

    Could you delay the construction of the new remodel house?

    Good luck with your parents and the birdies

  11. My Mom was an animal rehaber so  here's what you need to do. If u move the nest the parents wont find it. The best u can do with the egg is to put under an incubate or in another nest (not a black bird, or starling nest because they will kill it...) get a hard boiled egg and some soft cat or dog food (soften it buy Putin it directly in warm water) Then get a drinking straw or a stick, (make sure it doesn't have a sharp end)  and "swoop" slowly down with your hand, the birds should open wide, put the food at the binging of there throught. Make sure the food is not to wet. If the birds are a pinkish color, and or dont have any fethers then u wount be able to feed them. If that is the case then stick then in another birds nest that has the sameigh aged birds.

    msg me if u have any questions!

    Good luck(:!

  12. climb it and put it somewhere else. but once u touch the nest, the mother probably wont want anything to do with it.  i think.u should research it.

    good luckk

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