
HELP! I found this snake lizard looking thing in my room!?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning, and I saw what appeared to be a lizard. Very thin, flesh colored belly with a tan back. It had a curve to it except...NO FEET. It was about 3-4 inches long and has the head of a snake but ran like a lizard, now it disappeared somewhere in my room and I want to know what the h**l can it be? I tried looking up baby snakes, but alls I got were 10-12 inch snakes that all had some sort of markings. This had no markings. I saw no eyes, no tongue. At first I thought it was a plastic toy then it ran away! I'm completely grossed out and if anyone has seen these or have any pictures or ideas of what this can be, please let me know. I live in the So.Cal area, and have never seen anything like this before. Thanks!




  1. its probably a baby garter snake they are pretty harmless

  2. This website should help you

    also, this looks like what you described; it's a legless lizard:

  3. It sounds like a legless lizard. They have the head and face of a lizard, and have a thicker body than a usual snake. They're usually a light brown/tan with a lighter-white under-belly and they're common like snakes in the u.k area

  4. well reptiles tend to like to be in cool dark places, so check your closet or any dark spots in your's a  snake if it had no feet....snakes slither, but their movement patterns usually are similar to those of lizards. if it was green, then was a garter snake....if you afraid to go and get it, then call an animal person.(idk the proper term for best guess: animal control) and see if they can remove it for you..

    good luck!

  5. its most likely a legless lizard.

    did it look like any of these?

  6. Wow you live in So. Cal and you see this? I would think this is normal in Florida, but So. Cal? I guess the hot weather is ideal for this creature. I think it is the glass lizard

  7. How does something with no feet run?  I'm with the other're probably looking at a gardner snake.

  8. Contact your local animal control.!

  9. Just call them exterminator or something people.

  10. Sounds like a skink!

    Check this photo out:

    There are different varieties of them.  Harmless.  And yeah, gross.

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