
HELP! I have a coldstone "audition" tomorrow! What should i sing or what should i do as a dance?

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I am not very creative with dance moves...ideas? How long is the audition usually? Any info will be appreciated.




  1. although i don't know anything about this particular audition, i would say to prepare something at least 5 min. long. As far as dancing goes, I can't really help you there. I would say to perform something that you know well and that you have practiced.

  2. audition is made in vtc games of vietnam

  3. Ok, you don't have to worry at all, all they are looking for is that you can get up in front of people you don't know and sing or dance.

    I did "I'm a Little Teapot", with the moves at my interview, and got hired. (Not because of just that, though)

    FYI: Coldstone Corporate doesn't make anyone dance for tips, just sing, because when theres a line out the door, you really don't have time to dance, so if the local owner makes you do that, they are wrong

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