
HELP! I have a question on my p.e. homework that I don't know... (this is for you volleyballers out there)

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it is

(true or false)

Volleyball games are played to 15 pts in regulation competition with side scoring




  1. false this used to be true now they use the olympic scorring to 25 any sideout is considered a point as is any regularily scored point ( un returned serve)

  2. Definitely true

  3. FALSE its 25



  4. True because my mom used to be a volleyball referee for MIddle School volleyball teams so i believe her and i want to play volleyball myself

  5. True! I thINK! We DOnt Do Anything in PE!

  6. false because a game now is played up 2 25 and u need 2 points to win the match

  7. false, you go to 25

  8. Since 1999 international volleyball is played to 25 pts(with a 2 point difference if needed) and a rally-point system is used (no sideouts; every play is a point). If the score is 2:2 in sets the 5th and final set is played to 15 pts. (also with a 2 point difference if needed).

  9. false its to 25 the last games to 15

  10. It really depends on the situation.

    It could be played to 15 points, making the answer true, if it is side-out scoring. Example: Team A serves the ball and gets a point making the score 1-0, but the next time Team A serves they lose the ball, making it side out. The score would still be 1-0 and Team B would be serving. Basically the only way to score on side-out scoring is if your team served the ball in the first place.

    But the newest, more competative form of scoring is called rally scoring, and when you play to that the score goes to 25 points. Example: Team A serves and they get the point making the score 1-0, the next time Team A serves they lose the volley and Team B gets the side out, now the score would be 1-1. In this form of scoring every mistake counts against someone. Everytime a side out occurs a point goes towards one of the teams.

    So it all depends on what the entire situation is, you could read these answers and argue either way with your p.e. teacher.

    Hope this helped!

  11. FALSE!ALL WRONG!!! you go up to 25 points

  12. false.  before it used to be 15, where you had to earn your points, but usa volleyball now uses rally scoring, meaning every side out gets a point, most games are played to 25, but in college they play to 30.

  13. Falso, i definitely am positive.  I play for high school volleyball. For Varsity, it's best 3 out of 5 games, with the last game up to 15 points. But the others go up to 25 points

  14. no, regular games are played to 21. here, this will help you:

    TEAM A and TEAM B

    TEAM A wins the first game to 21.

    TEAM B wins the second game to 21.

    then when each team has won one game then they play a 3rd game to 15. when one of the teams gets to 8 points, then the teams switch sides. then they keep playing to 15 points. but say if team A wins both first two games to 21, then they don't play a third game. they only play a third game if bth teams win a game each in the first two games.

    i  know it's confusing, but that is the easiest way to explain it.

    hope you have fun and good luck.


    and pps: bye chica! (or chico.)

    oh yeah sorry, it's false!

  15. Yes, it is true! (If the scores are level at 14, may be extended to 18!)

  16. used to be true but they changed it to 25 points

  17. false it goes to 25  if you have to the last game goes to 15 you have to win 3 out of 5

  18. true

  19. it is definatly true....i have played volleyball for 4 years

  20. FALSE!!! I play varsity volleyball and we go to 25 except i know the state of Kentucky only goes to 21 lol thats all i know but every game ive ever played in we go to 25!!!!

  21. False. Its 25.

  22. Not anymore.  This changed a few years ago...High school level and College levels are rally scoring.

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