
HELP!!! I have an injured hedgehog & don't know what to do!!?

by  |  earlier

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We get hedgehogs a lot at night, and one of my dogs, trying to play with one, actually bit off some of the poor critter's skin! It's now sore & exposed - I took it inside but it's night and I can't get to a vet, I don't want to leave it out there to die. What can I do to help it or clean the wound so it won't get infected? The poor animal is understandably scared to death and I don't know what to do!!!




  1. Hedgehogs are generally nocturnal creatures so if you do see one in the daytime, it’s possible that it’s injured or sick. New borns found wandering around in a disoriented fashion in early autumn are possibly not going to be able to survive the winter without human intervention but they are extraordinarily capable of adapting to being brought indoors. A large box or cage with straw at the bottom in a ventilated room is perfect, but once again remember that they carry with them a whole armada of fleas and ticks so if you have other pets be wary and try to handle them as little as possible as hedgehogs are not pets after all. Your pet might not take too kindly to this extra presence either. However, if things seem to be working out OK, a hedgehog can survive on a diet of dog and cat food along with regular drinking water until it’s safe to release it in the springtime. If you require more help because of a sick or injured hedgehog in your garden, call your local RSPCA or the British Hedgehog Preservation Society for more advice

  2. Put it in a big cardboard box with an old towel in the bottom, put down a bowl of water, and some cat food. If you have no cat food (or dog food) then dig up a few worms. DO NOT feed him bread and milk this is bad for them. If he's too scared, don't try to clean his wound. His saliva will disinfect it. Remember that hedgehogs carry fleas and other diseases, don't handle him without gardening gloves etc. on.

  3. Phone the rspca,In the mean time put the hedgehog in a card board box,With a blanket over it.

  4. we had a bird in the same situaion the other night, my cat wanted to play and the bird obviously didnt.

    it was in a bad way too.

    just keep it warm and in the dark, with food and water. leave it to relax a bit and try to find a 24 hour vet, which is what we done at 11.30 at night,

    somewhere should be open or able to come and collect the poor thing

  5. Dunno if this would help.

  6. call the local animal hospital, or the RSPCA they can tell you who to contact out of hours

    Good luck, hope the poor little thing is okay.


  7. Look on the web for a local wildlife sanctuary, they usually have a 24hr emergency no to call.

  8. Phone the RSPCA or the SSPCA if you're in Scotland.

    Put it in a box and put in some wet dog food and water, or if it's young (About the size of an orange), kitten milk. Put in a towel and leave it somewhere quiet.

    P.S If you've only got dry dog food soak it in water first so it goes soft.

  9. use dog shampoo and water

  10. Call the RSPCA, they usually come out and deal with the problem.

  11. Ring the rspca or have you got a local animal rescue centre?  They are usually really good and they will come out to you if necessary.  Look them up on google in your area.  Good luck. x*x

    PS, make sure where the hedgehog is there are no babies around as they may go and search for mum if she is injured and may get hurt also. xx

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