
HELP! I have money stuck in the bank...what papers do I need?

by  |  earlier

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got in an accident yrs ago, sued the ppl, wasnt 18, put money into a court blocked account till I was 18 now 21 and how do I get it out? what papers do i need to fill out? I heard the judge has to look over these papers and decide to unblock it or not someone help!




  1. Go to the bank and ask them what you have to do.  If they don't know, go to the court and get the file on your case.  Take a look at the final orders and see what restrictions the judge placed on the money.  If it's not clear, ask one of the (always helpful) clerks.

    If all else fails, hire a lawyer.


    I make $50 dallors a day and its instant cashout not like wait a month to cashout where they scam you and stuff.

    Make money and cashout whenever you want!


    Try it dude nothing to lsoe.

    project payday is a scam

    awsurveys is a scam

    trust me i've lost so much time with them but this will get your rich!

  3. Its different for every person because it depends on the instructions provided when the account was originally established.

    Generally though, what you would need is to bring either passport/birth cert and at least one other form of id, drivlic/state id to the court to establish that you are over 18/21 (depending on the state and paperwork). Then you just tell the clerk that you need a form to bring to the bank to release a hold on an account (assuming its a CD), when i had to do mine in NV, all i spoke to was a clerk, and it was taken care of.

    =D Good Luck

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