
HELP! I messed up my highlights!?

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I messed up my highlights! i have brown hair and did blonde highlights. can I redye my hair. Like my whole head?




  1. yes! why not?? just dont damage it too badly

  2. dye your head a redish brown color lol. Never do highlites on your own. I would dye it a redish color because blonde will change easily but brown doesn't change easily. Go for it... dye your whole head and once that fades try highlites again.

  3. my best friend did the exact same thing...

    just try to find your most natural color of dye and dye it!

    it worked well for her... her hair is back to normal!

    just dont do too many dying things... cause' that messes up your hair.

  4. more info?

    are they yellow?  you just need a toner

    if you want to go back to brown you need to dye your hair red first

    then pop a brown tint over that

    If you dont fill it with red first it will go green!

  5. yeah dye your hair blonde then use Dumb Blonde Bedhead™ Shampoo, good thing you didn't do pink highlights like Avril, you would have to dye your whole head pink!

  6. You can dye your whole head.

    But, if you keep your hair tied back or up

    or different hairstyles just not full down, you'll be okay.

  7. just re dye your um highlighted spots to the original color anddddddd start back over....have a hairdresser do it for ya!!

  8. yep you sure can.  i color my hair so often and sometimes i take a risk that doesn't pan out so i know that you can just dye over it and it will be fine.  good luck and i hope everything turns out okay!



  9. you need color correction done by a stylist specializing in color.  I imagine that you have undesired orange tones to your hair and will need a blue based color on the blond to neutralize the brassiness of your hair.  Try using a blue or purple based color shampoo before spending alot of money or coloring your hair again.  It may tone down your hair and give you the beautiful blond you were wanting in your hair.

  10. yes  

  11. I recommend just going to the salon and getting it fixed there. Dying your hair again would probably damage it very badly. I hope you get it fixed!  

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