
HELP! I need career ideas based on my interests??

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I like subjects like english, buisness, and science (maybe) but i really want to try acting.....i wanted to know how i could get some career paths, i've tried researching them so now i'm turning to real people who have been there.

I have always thought of careers like fashion design, management, journalism, modelling, acting, astronomy, etc, and i need help in finding more ideas.

As you can see it is a wide range, so i have a real problem :( Please help :) I can't really decide between these careers.




  1. You sound a bit where I was a few years ago. With as many interests as you have it would be hard. Acting is very hard to get into. If you dont know someone in the biz its nearly impossible. BUT, have you ever thought of movie production? I am doing set design for movies and commercials. I am NEVER alone. There are tons of people. You could do wardrobe design. And you never know things can lead to an acting career that way. Focus on one thing and do it perfect. Get a portfolio together of your work. Find mentors in your area. Look on some of these sites for listings.

    good luck.

  2. why not join an amateur dramatics society and do acting as a hobby - that way you will know if it is for you or not.

    as for career - that's tough as you seem to like a bit of everything!  i would suggest doing a media studies or business studies course at college - that gives you a qualification and a taster for all sorts and then you can pick from there which you prefer to specialise in! good luck!

  3. I would recommend you take some courses in some of these subjects, if you haven't already, to see exactly how deep your interest goes.

    I can say from experience that getting a non-teaching related job with an English degree is difficult, and people always expect you to be some sort of grammatical genius.

    Explore the job postings in your area regularly to get a feel for what is available. You never know what will open up. You may find something you hadn't even thought of.

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