
HELP! I need clear skin for school.

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So I have some what oily skin mainly on my nose and for head.

My nose is clogged up with little white heads not noticeable until you look really close.

I need help with clearing up my whole face.

School starts in September.

I've tried proactive and it didn't work for my skin.

I need the best answer.

Thank you.




  1. swear off, fried foods, foods containing fried oils, chocolate, and pizza!

    try that for a year, if you like the results stick with it.

    I miss chocolate. :) it Works!!!

  2. I used to have acne going into highschool (i think it was all the stress and hormones). yes, I have used all of the products out there-they don't work. I went to my doctor and she prescribed me medicine called Tazorac. It worked really well. She told me that my face would get worse before it would get better (this is how it is with most acne prescriptions). Just go to your doctor, it doesnt have to be a derm. I went to my regular one.

    Now, i've been off the medicine for quite some time now. I use regular face wash in the morning and at night and it feels great!! Aveeno has GREAT products. Try not to pick at your face and don't wash your face too many times because it strips the natural oil which causes more pimples.

    hope I helped!

  3. i know how you feel trust..use some natural ingredients and im sure you will see good results. they are, banana skin, honey, lemon juice, rose water, gram flour (mixed with honey and rose water or just natural water.)

    Also drink loads of water and wash face twice a day and don't keep picking or touching spots and use the ingredients separate or mix few of them they not harmful and when you wash face start by washing with hot water then cold.

    I cant explain to you what all of them contain or do scientifically even thou they have been proven but all i can say is they will work and make face cleaner and softer and get rid of spots and blackheads.. best one is honey and making paste of gram flour mixed with honey,rose water etc..

    i no how you feel and that but try it you got nothing to lose but best is if you make the paste use it twice a day and keep it cold in fridge or in a cool place. They will work just keep faith and stay away from alot of sun and keep hair away from face. Hope this helps because its helped me and alot of people i know in real and on here . MY BEST IS HONEY AND BANANA SKIN X OTHERS AND ALL OF THEM HAVE WORKED BUT DEPENDS ON SKIN TYPE BUT IT WILL GET BETTER X

    Why waste money on expensive products when some make it worse or have side affects and some don't do anything because they work on certain types of spots plus certain skin types.

    All the methods are also good to get rid of oily and dry skin as well as spots and pimples and blackheads. I use it and few other m8s for all these.  

  4. apply benzoyl peroxide 2.5 or cream that contains or salicylic acid its very effective for acne and pimples…

    drink 8-10 glasses of water

    Crush mint leaves to extract the juices. Apply the juice to your face every night. This acne home remedy also the tooth paste works too. To remove the redness apply the eye drops which reduces the redness I think its called Visine it instantly removes the redness.

    apply ice to your face regularly it closes the pores so that would definitely reduce the acne breakout]

    try these home remedies for diff skin types here are some best face masks which u can try they are great and works wonders for the skin and gives a healthy glow and smooth and clear skin and with tips for blackheads

  5. cut down on fast food and use a bar of  soap to clean your face

  6. well, i wash my face with cetaphil every night, i've been using it for a longgg time and i never had oily skin.. it also makes your face really soft : ) so try using that, you can get in any where

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