
HELP! I need to know what I can do for kittens just born who are infested with fleas!

by Guest33441  |  earlier

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My cat had her kittens a few days ago just when we began a huge flea problem in our house. I decided to pick one of the kittens up to see how they were doing and I swear on my life this kitten had to have more than 30 fleas swarming on its little body. I feel so bad for those babies and I have no idea what I can use on them since they were just born not even a week ago.




  1. Wash them with Dawn Dish Soap and take them and mom to the vet. Fleas are life threatening to little kittens!!

  2. Frontline for kittens -- its not cheap but it gets the job done  

  3. Your best bet since they're so young is to take them to the vet - they'll be able to handle the situation the best.

    Other then that, wash the mother cat and other animals in the house with Lemon Joy, and sprinkle Borax on the carpets, couches, beds, anywhere that has fabric. Wash anything that can be washed in HOT water.

    Try calling your vet and asking what they have available to treat the mother cat with as a topical treatment.

    The vet will probably recommend bringing them in, and this is because with that many fleas on the kittens, the fleas will kill the kittens. So they'll need to get treated ASAP.

    Good luck!

  4. suck on them until their fleas come off............................yum jk ofk put very little flea medication on the mommy and kittens.make sure you keep the  mom from the kittens while you do this

  5. Take them to the vet ASAP.  You can't use flea meds on them yet b/c they are too young, but you do have to get rid of the fleas and possibly the vet will need to give them IV fluids.  Fleas can suck enough blood to kill kittens.  

  6. Aww man.. I would say.. Treat the mama kitten.. You have to treat it like its lice.. Everything in your house needs to be cleaned or sprayed with the flea spray that is for your house.. Buy expensive flea collars.. I found out myself that the cheap ones dont work!.. They sell flea spray for the kitten.. They sell the shampoo.. Which Iv tried and my kitten still keeps getting them!.. They also sell some drops.. You put them on the top of the kittens head.. They make them just for kittens also.. It goes into their blood stream killing the fleas.. Good luck.. Im having the same problem!.. Except my kitten is 3months old.. VACUUME ALOT!!

  7. While you ordinarily wouldn't bathe kittens so young, fleas can kill them, and it doesn't take that long.  Bathe them in a "no more tears" type baby shampoo.  As long as the lather stays on for 3 minutes, the fleas will drown.  Be especially careful of the temperature of the water -- too hot can injure them and too cold can make them shocky.  Don't use flea sprays or soaps on either the babies or the mom.

    All of this, of course, is assuming you can't take them to the vet.

    Good luck, hope this helps!

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