
HELP! I need to learn how to volleyball overhead serve!

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I have volleyball tryouts coming up in like 2 days and i have been trying to learn how to overhead serve for the whole summer! i am pretty sure i have the form right but everytime i hit it with ALL my strength it goes into the net or hits the the tip-top and falls back on my side. I have no idea what i am doing wrong. im pretty sure its not my strength because some girls on my team are just as strong as me and are amazing servers. So i need tips and steps and whatever you answerer's who know how to overhead serve have!




  1. make sure you are stepping with the correct foot. more than once i have seen girls step with the wrong foot and lose all strength.


  3. i am going into high school and i had that problem. what you wanna do it hold the ball in front of your hitting hand and hit it with your palm.and follow through. Dont cross. Step into your serve after the ball is outta your hands.and use your hips. You get more power.

  4. I had the same problem. Make sure you have a stance. Take a position where you can be relaxed but ready to hit the ball. Make sure you are away from the line. When you're ready hold the ball out at a distance you can hit it...most likely keep it at an angle in the air because you need the ball high up in order to hit it. If the ball is in front of your face it's not going to go over the net...more in the net. After that pull your hand back. your hand should be facing outside. Then toss the ball up and hit it when it's high up. if it's not high enough then let it fall and try again. It's a harder than it may sounds but making sure you have the stance correct makes it or breaks it. ONE more thing make sure you do a follow through. Once you hit the ball your foot should come in and put as much force into it. Your hand should do a follow through too. once you hit it your hand should swing ALL the way. I used to have the problem of the follow through. If you stop in the middle you could get it over but could also sprain your shoulder. Making the follow through puts more force into the ball. Try this and if you still need help try asking the coach....they know the best. My coach was really helpful in getting my serves over and sometimes your teammates cna help you just as much! Best of Luck!!  

  5. I had the same problem so here are some tips:

             1.  Watch your hand when you hit the volleyball and make sure you are hitting the ball some where between the bottom of your hand and the middle of your hand, not your fingertips or the balls of your hand.

             2.  Also make sure that when you hit the ball, your hand remains stiff, straight, and your DO NOT hit the ball down.  Its a natural reflex for you to bring your arm/hand down as soon as you hit the ball, but this could result in the ball being almost 'pushed' down rather than up.

             3.  As a follow up to number 2, its a good idea to tilt your hand slightly up towards the sky so that you are actually pushing the ball up.

             4.  Make sure you are hitting the ball when it is high in the air, and not when it is face-height.  It should be the height of your out-and-up stretched arm.

            5.  Also make sure it is at least half a foot to a foot away from you, so you are not backing up.  Backing up causes the ball to lose energy.

        6.  Following up number 5, make sure it isn't too far that you have to take a few steps before hitting it, which exhausts YOUR strength.

    Remember to practice and if you still cant get it, tell the coach to give you more of a chance to show off your other team skills, such as spiking, defense work, setting, or bumping.  Anything that you are good at ask to show more of, in exchange of the serving.  Sometimes coaches like to take players that are excellent at other positions, but bad at some.  good Luck@  

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