
HELP! I need to make up a game for 16-19 yr olds on anger management - preferably a board game?

by Guest64300  |  earlier

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Anyone good at designing these? HELP!




  1. im not that goo dat designin but a guessing game wud b gd ( i kno it souns silly but does work) as long as ther is no ways of cheating and also make it funny

  2. Take one board, drill hole in centre. Take one broom stick, place in hole. Attach ball on spring to top of broom stick and let them take there anger out on that!

  3. WHY NOT GET THE KIDS TO DESIGN IT ? that will keep them busy for a while and then they can play it, get them to work in small groups so they will learn team responsibilities.

    call the game everything that makes me angry, these will make the penalty point squares then just do the opposite, what makes me happy for the bonus point squares, then ask and have a vote what would make everyone content and therefore you have your end of game square, you get my drift, but most important get the kids to do the thinking. the kids can design each square right down to personal experience. by the way you can sent me my share of the royalities

  4. One I have used with this age group as a teacher was called "The Farm - or Farming - Game."

    There are many such games for computer where people's personalities and reactions are tested e.g designing whole communities and the necessary infrastructure. The medium is not good for this, in my opinion, as it often panders to one individual's desires.

    This board game is more of a 'hot' medium as it is literally hands-on and involves discussion between real people in real time. Of course, people bring their own beliefs, prejudices and experience to bear. The difference is that they cannot successfully just 'shout their mouths off'  - because they come into play with others who are equally assertive. The difference between being assertive and being aggressive is soon shown! It especially dealt a blow to those who liked 'games theory' to show their superior intellect! e.g 'Demonsrate and explain to the group how to change a nappy.'! Would you believe that males were rather more dismissive of this than females?

    I don't know where one can buy "The Farm Game" at the moment but it might be worth looking up.

    The whole premise was that people who were angry and/or selfish lost out in the 'evolutionary stakes'. They might have had short-term success through 'dominance behaviour' but eventually they tended to be eliminated as group dynamics came into play.

    As for 'Monopoly', there are chance situations with cards, including 'Acts of God', Acts of Government and 'spanners in the works' from many quarters. However, the elements of group discussion, co-operative planning and devising of reasonable behaviour for the 'greater good', whilst not supressing individual talents, is far beyond a simple fun game.

    The game requires input, commitment and reasoning. Once engaged, the young people often realised the concepts involved and a degree of 'behaviour modification' could be observed. The problem was that it did not last! Outside the confines of the game, people 'reverted to type'. Pavlov might have said something about this.

    I was not so naive as to expect  miracles. A whole world of pyschology, psychiatry and of learned research from eminent people all over the world cannot be equated with a board game! To expect a patent method of 'wrapping up' human beings in a ready-made package is, at the best, suspect.

    So - "The Farm Game" is not mine but try to find it. At worst, it is amusing. At best, I had three students who were 'off the rails', so to speak, but who went to 'vent their spleens' at university. I am not sure about the other fourteen in the group.

  5. its to be hopes they arent sore losers else you will have a riot on your hands???????

  6. Snakes and Sedatives. Its like Snakes and ladders, only with all ladders, and instead of ladders, mood supressants.

  7. oh no love not a board ( boring) game something that they can use the latest tecnlogic with that'll encourage them to play it.x

  8. Aussie rules chess!

    snakes and ladders with real snakes (keep calm or the snakes get upset and attack)

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