
HELP I really don't think this is a good thing ?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 24 weeks preg with second and i'm 50% effaced and i really don't think that's a good thing. with my son i wasn't effaced until the day i had him and i know its ok a couple of weeks or days b4 delivery but is this safe. i have really strong contractions even tho they aren't constant they hurt way worst than braxton hicks . i had a natural child birth with my son and these contractions are worse than those.has any1 ever experienced this? am i over reacting ? advice please!




  1. Definitely talk to your doctor and try to stay off your feet.

  2. go see your dr. or head to the er

  3. In my opinion this is something both you and your doctor should discuss.

  4. First, take a deep relaxing breath and stay calm.  Next call your doctor and see what he or she thinks could be happening.  Sometimes if you go to the ER without calling your Dr. first, it isn't covered.  Also ask your Dr. if they send you to the ER to call ahead to the ER and make sure you are seen immediately.  

    Good luck, but most of all, stay calm.

  5. Call your Doctor right away. Even though the contractions are not regular, you could be having a complication. My doctor had me come in when I was having cramping. If you are going into preterm labor there is a chance that they can stop it.  Do not wait call now!

  6. talk to ur DOCTOR

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