
HELP! I reversed my sleep cycle!?

by  |  earlier

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School's coming up in 4 days, and i don't know what to do. I have been staying up until about 6am then sleeping to about 3pm everyday for the past week or so. Yes, i know, my parents are constantly telling me it's not natural, but i can't help it--i'm a night owl! I've tried to go to bed at around 12 every night, but i just toss and turn and it feels like i'm attempting to sleep in the middle of the day! (for the normal sleep cycle that is...) Any suggestions on what i can do? I'm desperate, i know this will kill me once school starts up again!




  1. I would just stay up for a minimum of 24 hours. Go for 48 if you have to! Then go to sleep at a normal time when you are TOTALLY exhausted.

    It's worked for me in the past!

    Good luck!

  2. I am in the exact same situation as you are right now! I am planning on staying awake until 9:30 pm tomorrow night, which is when I will crash into a frenzy of sleep. It's a rather unhealthy way of going about it but it works!

    If you want to go the healthy way, then crawl into bed at the desired time, then with nothing but a close by lamp on, read. It relaxes the eyes. Breathe deeply or drink some milk, preferably warm. I don't like using anything other than natural things (not like drugs or medicines) which I'm assuming you don't either.

    If you want to do the stay up until desired bedtime, then do NOT lay down! You will most likely fall asleep. Excercise throught the night. Suprisingly, if you are trying to get to sleep, you aren't supposed to excercise within 3 hours of your bedtime.  check out the answers to my question here (not many are helpful, but some are):;...

    If not, then follow the advice above and I wish you good luck!


  3. Try to do something that requires a lot of energy that day.

    Maybe try running at night to get you tired.

    Reading always helps me become tired too.

  4. haha your like me. Peersonally, I can't do anything about it except for stay up late and then wake up really early the first day and just have one day where I'm ridiculously tired.

    After that day though, things even out.

  5. Melatonin, the hormone found naturally in warm milk, can be purchased over the counter at relatively low costs. I know that wal-mart stocks it, and other stores probably do as well. If you take a melatonin supplement slightly more than 8 hours after you wake up naturally (i.e. without an alarm clock) it should help shift your sleep pattern back to normal. To increase this effect, exposure to bright light immediately after spontaneous wake up will help. This is a result of the phase response curve for light and melatonin.

    Of course, if you have to get up for school, you can not wait for spontaneous wake up. Therefor, this method is only really effective on weekends (assuming you've already started school) However, taking a melatonin supplement 30 minutes before your desired bedtime may help you fall asleep.

    Unlike a sleeping pill, melatonin does not induce grogginess, nor does it force you to sleep for longer. It simply helps you fall asleep when you want to, and have a healthier sleep. For example, you can take far in excess of a normal dose of melatonin, and as long as you don't prepare yourself to sleep (i.e. lay down and relax) you can continue to stay awake with no perceptible drop in productivity.

  6. nothing you can do..just start sleeping early that will fixed up everything...

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