
HELP!! I want to homeschool my 13yr daughter NOW!!!?

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I can't get the school to answer my calls or e-mails. I really want her to finish the courses she has started seeing how there is only two months left of school but I don't think the public school is guiding her properly. Can anyone help me?? We live in Texas if that is any help.




  1. If you want her to finish out the courses she started she will probably need to finish out the year to get credit.  However, that is your choice, in Texas you can pull her out any time.

  2. Look up homeschool laws by state to begin. Check the website Homeschool A to Z.

    Then locate a HS support group in your area. They can be a great help getting started.

    Good luck. I'm sorry the public schools have let you down. I can tell you that we have never regretted homeschool for a day. It has been a blessing. Your daughter will have plenty of opportunity to socialize, people who say otherwise just don't know much about homeschool.

  3. Legally, you can pull her out at any time...but if you want to try to talk with the principal or her teachers first, show up at the school.

    Give them a warning call, but go in (in the next day or two, if you can). They can ignore phone calls, but it is something entirely different to deal with someone standing in front of them. If they tell you that it isn't a good time, point out that they had plenty of chances to respond to calls/emails...but be prepared to wait for a teacher's free period or when the principal isn't in a meeting. But a good way to deal with bureaucrats is to make yourself enough of a nuisance that it is easier to deal with you than ignore you.

  4. First document your emails and calls. Go to the school gently demand someone address your issue.

    Looking into homeschooling. Google it. Then use your public library, we have a home school group meet at the library, maybe you get lucky and find some group available to you.

    Here are a couple of links to get you started.

    It is sad to say WE must protect our children and start teaching them at home again. Family first

    God Bless LNSu

    If I can help email

  5. Texas does not require any kind of notification. All you have to do is withdraw your daughter from school and start homeschooling. Contacting local and state homeschooling organizations should lead you to the information you need and help you choose a method and curriculum.

    Check out this web page for the basics on homeschooling in Texas:

  6. idk but she is gonna b so mad cuz she wont get 2 c her frends no more just 2 let u know.

    i know i would b really mad if my parents did that to me

  7. Ey i live in Texas Houston and Home schooling is the best but it would be a better idea that you home school your child during the summer since the year is almost over.

  8. I live in Texas, too and it's one of the easiest states to homeschool in.  Here's some info on homeschooling in Texas:

    If you really want to homeschool for the long hall, just withdraw her from school and start a pogram of your own.  It won't hurt her to not finish what she's been doing currently.  The first month or so of any program is generally a review of what's been taught at the end of the previous year.

    Here are some textbook/workbook and online programs that you may want to consider:

    Good luck!

  9. I'm sorry to hear of the problems you are having in school.  I am having the same problems with my daughter and we live in Texas and she is 12 years old.  We are almost in the same boat huh?   She is dealing with kids bullying her and racism and I went to the principle and nothing was done about it.  So many people have tried to get me not to homeschool because of the social thing but I who in their right mind would want their child learning next to a gang member.  How can they learn when they are not happy?    We are trying to get into this homeschool called Midwest Academy Homeschool.  The principal is a preacher and his wife helps him with the homeschooling academy.  You can even walk the stage when it's time to graduate( it's in Chicago but how cool is that? )  It's pretty affordable as far as homeschooling goes.  I am still waying my options out.  She will do so much better once she starts homeschooling.  Good luck:))))))))))))))

  10. You should go and ask the principal in person. It might help, also, ask your daughter how she is feeling. Hope that this helps!

  11. public schools are terrible. i am homeschooled with penn foster. thats a good home school. the public schools only want your money. penn foster is only 50 dollars a month. they should ship to texas but im not sure.

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