
HELP!!! Im turning into a worrier, i have never had this problem and now i am growing insecure and not ?

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trusting. i feel like i am going to push my fiance away i have never been like this i felt very secure with him, he thinks i am the greatest and the most beautiful girl in the world hes seriously the best thing to ever happen to me. Why would i feel so insecure? is it because i know i am about to marry him and i am just afraid of the possible what ifs. I have been friends with him for 10 years we met in 9th grade, hes turning 26 and im turning 24. im not sure why i feel this way have you ever dealt with this? is it because of the wedding in 12 days? i hope it goes away because i dont normally act like this! thanks




  1. Could be because of the wedding . My daughter married last week and the last 2 weeks she was about to explode.planing a wedding is very tough and confusing,There are so many details that you have to remember. Ask your family and friends to give you a lot of support and help with all the wedding  details.  Other than that you might get sick. Best wishes to you and your future husband!

  2. Marriage is a huge step and a huge commitment. Being scared is pretty normal right now.

    Do you have an actual reason to be insecure?  Sometimes you need to listen to your gut feelings, but try to decide if they are real.  Can you talk to a best friend?  Keeping things in can be worse.  

    Chances are that this is "pre-wedding jitters."  

  3. worrying all the time is not good. try to tell yourself that those worries are ridiculous. i know i use to be a major worry wart. i would worry about everything. when i was not worried, i would worry why i wasn't worried. then i would worry why i was worried about the fact that i was not worried. and you do not want to enter that land. it is horrible. you are always depressed and unpleasant to be around. so i suggest that you talk to somebody about this.

    good luck

  4. The insecurity probably comes from some bad past experience and possibly a touch of low self esteem. The best thing you can do to overcome this is be very honest with your bf and stay close with him. Tell him your concerns and reasons you have them. It will make the two of you closer. If you don't tell him, your mind will play games with you and have you all messed up, and you will push your bf away.

  5. honey you are human!! YAY!

    I get it too... and then this weekend I was rushing around.

    I had a bridesmaid and flower girl drop out last week... I am also getting married the day you so I had to find a jr bridesmaid and a flower girl, take them shopping this weekend, buy all their stuff myself and then finish up my dress, the arch, pay the caterer,..... blah blah blah. I hardly even saw my fiance and saturday night, walking in the door around 10, he said almost sad like, "I havent seen you all weekend.::sigh::"

    I felt bad for pushing him away kinda.. and we haven't done anything ... like you know... for quite sometime bc i am always busy.. its all about wedding at this point.

    I feel ya... it all ends soon. And if Hanna or Gustav rain on our day. it is good luck.  

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