
HELP!!!! Incredibly Greedy Hamster!?

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I have two hamsters and one is incredibly greedy everytime i put food in the bowl she stuffs it in her mouth and moves it to the running wheel! She wont stop HELP!!!!!!




  1. I have a hamster that wakes me up about 6 in the morning to give it treats and it runs to the wheel and wants more.I kinda have a different problem.

  2. feed them sepretly

  3. Lol .. why don't you put them in different cages ?

  4. You should maybe keep them in seperate cages,That way the greedey hamster cannot hog the wheel, the food,water, etc..If two cages is not any option for you, you could take the greedy one out, put him in a ball for 20 minutes as late a you can in the evenig then feed the other one and let him have a chance to use the wheel and get a drink. You can then put the other back in and feed her.

  5. hamsters like to store food away. just put more food when you feed them, so that your other hamster gets some too.

  6. Stashing food is a natural behaviour for hamsters. In the wild they wouldn't come across a tasty supply of food, nibble it then wander back to the burrow empty handed. They would fill up their cheek pouches and take it back to the burrow for safe storage so they'll be able to eat tomorrow as well as today. It's completely normal, don't worry. As long as she doesn't stop the other hamster from going near the wheel then it's fine - the second hammy can just feed from the wheel instead of the bowl.

  7. why dont you just gie the greedy hamster the food then when he stuffs his mouth and goes over to the wheel, give the other hamster some food :)

  8. well, u will somehow have to feed them seprately. Cuz u dont one to starve and die while the other gets too fat and die

    then you'll have zero hamsters.

    *thumbs dont hurt me*

  9. Separate them when you feed them.You can make your own divider when you feed them.Don't feed them where the wheel is until they have eaten.

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