
HELP! Is being respectful and reserved really worth it? 10 pointes best answer?

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Well i'm in gr.11 now and i'm a really quiet respectful guy, i guess you could say shy too, when i talk to people im usually quiet and im not the type of person who talks alot about themselves or shows off. I could say girls think im attractive and i'm pretty smart i have a 93% average (I don't actually try that hard in school i have an amazing memory and i spend alot mroe time playing xbox then studying) and just quiet in class and stuff. But i've noticed people who are loud obnoxious and ignorant have alot more fun with themselves and always have girlfriends go to parties etc. I just wonder if its worth it acting the way that i do, i notice i spend most of my time bored out of my mind at home reading or taking things apart or cleaning my gun lol, i feel more combfotable this way and nicer but i think of it almost as wasting my life, people who used to be my friends who act loud and obnoxouis just seem to have a better life, is being respectful worth it?




  1. dont change yourself for anyone

    i would just be awful for a nice kid like you to turn into a jerk

    you sound really sweet.

    most girls wish they could date someone like you

    i kno i would.

    just be youself.

  2. Like others, i am sure you wish to grow and live to a nice old age.

    When your in that period of time in your life, its nice to reflect on the fun and laughter we had in our past, so with that i ask you, what kind of memories would you like to have ?

    The thoughts going through your mind at the moment are not the ones you would like to be running through in later years.

    A change is due, and with that i say "good luck to you, and Fond memories".

  3. For you, no. It's not worth it. You have to be yourself in order to be happy. If you started being all hyper and s*it, people would  think you were a poser. Be yourself. High school sucks anyways.  

  4. I know what you mean, you sound just like me (except I'm more into guys not girls, and don't have a gun LOL) Don't stop being nice and respectful, girls love it and love a guy who's not cocky and self-centered, but maybe try to be a little more outgoing. There's nothing wrong with going out and having fun when you're bored. Just don't change too much. Talk to people a little more and it'll all work out. Good luck!  

  5. You can go out and have fun and be out going without being disrespectful. Your friend may be obnoxious and I'm sure there are some who are bothered by it. I think doing your own thing is good but I think you should break out of your shell a little. If people like you try asking them to hang out. Or just go out with the friends you already have. If you reach out to them they won't ignore you and they'll reach out to you. So try it. Have fun and cut loose. But don't forget what you really enjoy which is playing xbox and doing your own thing.

  6. Yes and No look highschool sucks. im in the same rut as you and this year ive been doin it different goin to parties, hangin with friends, and ive even got a girl that isnt just annoying but i liked the way i was and settled into a happy medium so find wat works for yu

  7. im just about the exact same as you ,even the xbox. i found that if you just act a bit more outgoing towards others than you don't get as bored. Don't turn into a big obnoxious jerk, just be a bit more talkative. Instead of waiting for someone to call you, call someone and just talk.  As for girls just go up and say hi to them and get to know them. Just act the way you are around them except be a bit louder so they can hear you instead of being quiet.  

  8. Of course it is, don't ever compare yourself to anybody and be happy with who you are.  Your friends might be loud and stuff but you don't know if that's just to cover up what they're really feeling inside.  If you keep being this way you'll find a girl that will appreciate you and love you for who you are.

  9. Personally i think being respectful is a great advantage. see when your a teenager sure being obnoxious is acceptable because your not being looked at as a responsible adult. But when you go into the business world respect is key to getting career advances and girls love respectful guys despite what you here about the whole "bad boy" charade.

    Well best of luck to you.

  10. well being nice and quiet seems cool, but you  should at least spend some time with friends and things. not something barbaric as going to some all night party at someone house or anything, but just go see a movie with some friends or something simple.

  11. HS is only 4 years.

    Those obnoxious douchbags will be selling gravel in about 10 years anyway.

    There is no benefit to you to be an @ss. You don't want to be labeled as a poser.

    Trust life does not begin or end in HS.

  12. being respectful is very worth it. it gets you out of a lot of trouble and usually people like you more. there's hardly any respectful people around anymore and i suggest you not to change. if everyone in the world was respectful maybe we wouldn't have half the problems we do today.

  13. You need to find better ways of expressing yourself. Try being more open with others, or just try to be more of an interesting person. Learn to be appropriate. Only play the games which you know you can win. Find modest ways of increasing your interaction with others. Practice at living a more exciting life. At this age in your life, most girls are attracted to the loud obnoxious types because these guys promise a false sense of "living the life" or a sense of adventure. Be the real deal and never compromise. Have good character too by caring for others. This will always make you esteemed in other people's eyes. Be kind to everyone. you never know when others will put in a good word for you to increase your stature.

  14. Yes! Most girls grow out of liking bad boys and want to bewith a nicer person. How is your life wasted if you are someone who you like?  

  15. 5 words

    Live Life To The Fullest

  16. Do what makes you happy.  Its not all about the partying and having fun.  Who is to say that those people you "think" have a better life really do.  You really don't know what their life is like.  Make your life what you want out of it.  But in my opinion you are better off being a nice and respectful person.  You will get farther in life and you will be a better person for it.  

    You have to respect yourself before others will respect you.  

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