
HELP Jeep bumper info for evidence hit and run on my property?

by  |  earlier

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How high are Jeep bumpers? Twisted metal, base of impact is around 3 inches. Black paint from a car. Suspicious black jeep, I know who they are but afraid to accuse them. Could a jeep bumper make an impact crater with a base of around 3 inches? Are these the guys destroying my property?




  1. before you go off 1/2 loaded with some info, get a tape measure and get the hieght of the mark on your car and go measure the bumpers of the cars you think may have hit it. if the numbers match--look for marks to go with it.. then go get em.. should not be hard to tell if you have the car in front  of you to look for paint transfer or other damage that matches the damage on your car..  

  2. report it to the police ..its their job to investigate ..dont do it on your own you might get chrged of false accusations or something ..if their the wrong ppl ..install a spycam some where that you can get solid evidence ..

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