
HELP! Lisps dealing with the letter s?

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i have a lisp whenever i say s and it makes me sound like a baby. when i was in 1st grade they put me in speech but i dont think it helped a lot and the teacher took me out in 4th. i dont like having a lisp and i was wondering if there was any way to get rid of it.?




  1. If you live in the USA and are still in school, you can ask for a diagnostic exam from the speech therapist at your school, and tell her/him how much this is bugging you.  There are also clinics that are private that can provide speech therapy, but you would have to pay for the service.  If you are saying /th/ for the /s/ sound, you have to keep your tongue behind your teeth when the /s/ sound comes up in a word.  The easiest position in a word to practice this in is when /s/ is at the end of words.  Ex: base, house, mice, lease, bats, cots, goats

  2. A speech therapist might help, but you could practice saying "S" by yourself.  Put your teeth together and blow air to make the "S" sound. Keep your tongue back, out of the way when you do this, so the air comes through the teeth. When you get that mastered, then practice saying words that begin with the letter "S" until it becomes natural to you.  

  3. Repetition. Say a word that you would normally lisp, and try to say it the correct way, keep trying until you get it, then repeat words like that. Otherwise live with it, I have a small lisp myself, but I don't mind :) I even know public speakers who have lisps, but don't let it slow them down.

  4. If your in middle school & even high school now you can still request to see a speech pathologist.

    You may also try to contact your local human service agency to see if you can arrange to see speech pathologist with them.


    Contact your local hospital to see if they have speech pathologist on staff.

  5. Getting Rid Of A Lisp...In Two Easy Steps

    1.Smile with your teeth

    2.Now talk with your tongue behind your teeth

    You only talk like this for a short period of time and then your tongue should get used to talking without a lisp!

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