
HELP ME! 10 pts for the best answer//please read...

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ok so yesturday at night when i was putting down the garage door my cat got loose and its head was caught under the door and then my mom put the garage door up..i though he was dead but hes alive this morning..we think he hurt his leg. also we can tell hes in a lot of pain. he wont eat either..we havent had him for a while...about 3 weeks..what should we do? i dont want to put him down...we're thinking about taking him to the vet, btw..please help me!!!




  1. you should have brought your cat to the vet immediately, and i would do so now.  They need to see if any serious damage was done so they can help him

    And no I dont think you need to delete what was caught on camera as long as you bring him to the vet right away.

  2. Head trauma.

    He needs to be x rayed, and even then the soft tissue damage is not apparent until a mri is done.

    I recommend if you want to keep pets to get a power garage door with a infrared sensor. This will prevent this from happening.

  3. omg

    yes take him to the vet they will give you the most help

    hopfully he just sprained his leg or something

    but i wish you all the luck!!**

  4. Take him 2 the vet!!! He may b badly hurt and the vet will know what to do about it. Also, I would delete it because I wouldn't wanna remember something like that...ever!

  5. Just take him to the vet. He probably wont have to get put down. Even if there is internal bleeding if you go now the vet could probably fix him up. He might not be eating just because of trauma.

    I would only delete the tape if it is hard to watch and/or you need  more space

    but maybe the vet would like to see it to more easily pinpoint the trouble!

  6. Take him to the vet now, and show the vet the tape. It will help him be more precise in figuring out how the cat is hurt. He is very badly hurt, there is nothing you can do for him at home. If you want him to live, bring him to the vet as soon as possible. The Internet is not going to fix your cat.

  7. You're thinking about taking him to the vet? Stop thinking and go!

  8. lisen! you have to take him to the vet right now and show him the tape whatever you do don't delete it if it has a broken foot they will put a cast on him. Put newspapers if they do this for litter because he might not want to use his litterr box with a cast.  

  9. you think his leg is hurt? that should be easy to fix with a cast, though a little expensive, the not eating bit is a bit tricky though...was his head caught or his throat area? his jaw may have taken abit of damage and that may be the not eating bit. Don't delete the tape bacause that could really help the vet in seeing just how the cat got hurt and make it easier and faster for them to fix the poor thing up. don't worry about them thinking your not a nice owner, everyone has their little 'i hurt the cat' moments, and they would probably be greatful you caught it on camera for them.

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