

by  |  earlier

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okay, im 15, i eat healthily and do excersise, walk my dog like eary day

and i am fat

i have fat rolls

i dont eat HEAPS or anything, and i do workouts and stuff andi have skinny legs and arms its just my stomach

please please help me, being a fat teen girl is not fun.




  1. you sound like an endomorph. look it up. im afraid for us endos walking every day is just not enough. you need to get your heart rate up at lest 3 times a week, at the very minimum. i mean like high intensity cardio, maybe some weights (yes i know your a girl, you wont look muscly, just toned) and you need to lower your carbs and increase your protein and fat intake.

  2. You're probably just self-conscious but....

    Fiber helps cut down the belly area.  Also, switch up your workouts.  Do cardio in intervals (pushing hard for a minute or two straight then taking it easy for a minute to 30 seconds).  

    You've gotta confuse your body with different exercises it's not use to in order to get that area to shrink.

  3. drink 1 litre of mint tea every day

    use natural mint leaves, it speeds up your metabolism so you burn fat faster and is great for your skin

    it leaves you feeling refreshed and cool and it tastes better than most teas

    it is great for your teeth too

  4. Go to this site:

    This will give you all you'll need to learn how to be healthy, and show you lots of different exercises, so that your whole body will be toned and healthy. You can't "spot" tone. Your body decides from where it will lose weight. So exercising your whole body will make all your muscles well toned. I understand being a fat teen...been there, done that. It bites. I've been fat since I was 9, and am still struggling with it. I think if I'd have struggled a little more with it when I was younger, I wouldn't be in the shape I am now. Stick with the SparkPeople site. There are communities on there you can "fit" into, with people just like you. Hanging with people that understand, and are taking the same journey is very encouraging. And there are many on there who have completed their journey, and are encouraging others in their own journeys. The hardest part is to keep your focus on your goals. Make them a part of your daily life, so that they get to be routine. And feel free to write to me. I'll give you as much encouragment as you want. <*)))><

  5. You should learn right type of exercise/workout. At your age restriction on diet is very little.You can  overcome your problem very soon. visit--

  6. Not to sound unkind but honestly, if you are truly eating healthily and exercising regularly, it is unlikely that you would still be fat. i.e., if you are still fat, then you are doing SOMETHING wrong.

    As a nutritionist, my guess is that you're really not eating that healthily. As I've said before on some other websites, if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, it's 99% likely to be a problem with your diet. In the last 5 years of my career, I've yet to see someone diet right and not lose weight. Not a single one. It is surprising how many people think they're eating healthily, but when you break down their daily diet over the course of an entire week, you'll find lots of junk in there.

    I'd gladly help you out if you tell me more about yourself. I need some statistics to work with, i.e. height, weight, age, exercise history, current fitness level, medical problems (if any), injury history and current exercise plan. The most important thing however, is that you need to tell me everything you eat for a whole week. As in, EVERYTHING. Even that quarter piece of pie you helped your Mom finish last night! :-)

    Seriously, I know what it's like to be fat. I was a former fat boy, also known as FFB in some fitness circles. I'm 5 ft 8 in and at my peak, I was 85 kilos (187 lbs) and probably about 30% bodyfat (which is gross. there's nothing s**y about flab.)

    With a healthy diet and exercise 4 to 5 days per week, I lost 32 lbs and am now maintaining a healthy 155 lbs @ 10% bodyfat for the last 4 years. I'll tell you how I did it if you email me your current stats and specific goals.

    That's all i'll say for now but I'll leave you a tip that will help you to IMMEDIATELY lose weight: Stop drinking everything that you're drinking now. Everything. The only liquid you should be consuming is WATER. That means no Starbucks, no soda, no gatorade - nothing but water!

    Trust me on this. Do EXACTLY this for 2 weeks, while keeping everything else the same, and tell me what you notice. I've had clients who used to consume about 2000 calories DAILY from soda alone.

    By the way, you're not one of those "FAT" girls... are you? You know, those who weigh 100lbs and yet insist they have "FAT ROLLS" all over them? :-) I know how hard it is to be a teenager in this day and age. Kids can be cruel and most unforgiving of even the slightest blemish/pimple/fat etc.

    One final point - whatever your motivation is for losing weight, whether it's just for self satisfaction/personal achievement or to look hotter than that tramp your ex boyfriend left you for, keep that motivation burning in your mind. Never lose sight of it. Truth be told, 99% of all diets and 99% of all exercise plans work. The biggest problem is usually compliance with the program.

    my email :

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