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Hi, I am 12 years old and do not have braces. I only have 1 baby tooth more to lose and I have a question. My 5th tooth in on my right side is extremely loose (half is half isn't) and I am not sure if it is a baby tooth or not. I don't want to pull it out if it is an adult tooth, but it is causing my a LOT of pain and agony. What should I do? I don't go to the dentist for a couple of weeks and he is never availible. WHAT DO I DO????




  1. talk to your parents

  2. you can always tell wats baby and wats not. a baby tooth is rly white and pretty and adult teeth are a little on the yellow side. no matter how much u brush, your baby teeth will be lighter then your adult teeth. good luck!

  3. 13 ...and take my advice..if it as never fell out before, its  baby tooth...but if it hasent fell out yet its an adult and its probably rotten...but weather its a baby or not..its causeing you pain and you should remove  it as soon as possible...after..try to get an appointment with the dentist to see if something is wrong just for safety...hope this helps ur decision.

  4. Call your dentist right away. And in the mean time, have your Mom or Dad take you to the hospital, they can give you something for the pain and may have a dentist oncall, if it is a larger hospital. If your tooth does fall out before you get to the dentist, call their emergency number and put your tooth in water or milk (helps to save the tooth) However, you may be losing the nerve to that tooth, if it is loose you may have either broken the root, or it is a baby tooth. Your dentist will be able to tell you.

  5. If you can take a picture of it I can tell you if it's a baby tooth or adult one...most likely the baby tooth.  If you can't take a picture, counting from the back, which tooth is it?  You can email me at

  6. if it looks square its your baby tooth, within the last year if you've lost any baby teeth that still might be one. if your parents have oral jel have theme put some on that area of your gums, keep that area clean, gentle brushing. try to get in with another/your dentist soon as possible to get you out of pain.

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