
HELP ME.... I am 17... being foced into marriage.?

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Can u help me?

If you can give your opinion on this case, it would be of much help to me.

You can help save me through the situation that i am going through.

I need to travel abroad away from my parents in pakistan, islamabad. I am pakistani girl.

I m 17 years and they are forcibly trying to marry me off. (which occurs in pakistan even with the law against it, money rules ! )

Please suggest a way to go to a country where i can be away from parents.

I have a passport, but its minor ( 17 years)

How to get visa easily and in which country.

Also I need urgent info, kindly help.

I have a boyfriend whom I love and would like to reach him. suggest some way out from my country.

He is an indian citizen but now presently in USA, california and working. I can't go to india coz pakistani citizens don't get Indian visa ( red flag countries)

So where & how can we meet.

Even a hint would be appreciated, if you could just understand me.


marzi (




  1. Both of you could go to the UAE (United Arab Emirates).

    Easy visas and lots of work.

    Good Luck

  2. the fact its an american yahoo adress, i doubt this very much

  3. try some of the international charities. if they cant help take as much of your family's wealth as you can and leave the country as an asylum seeker

  4. Hmmm..  I am little confused about this post.  If you are pakistani, howcome you have an Indian Boyfriend.  Because Indians dont go to pakistan.  The only way it could be possible is that you have met this guy online.  And since he is working in US, he must be quite older then 17.  Atleast in mid 20's.  I think you are young girl who has lived a sheltered life, I personally wont recommend any endeavour of leaving the country to join a so called boyfriend.  Talking to your parents will be best option.  You are only 17, so your parents should wait atleast another five years before finding you a suitable groom. I am originally from Indian subcontinent, so i understand your problem.  But running away is not a very good option for a young girl.  And our parents want good for us, they dont want or wish to hurt us anyways.  

    But just in case you do feel they are trying to hurt you somehow, you should go to police.  Sometimes police can be currupt and try to send you back to parents.  In such case contacting an NGO or social service organization is the best option.  There is no lack of them in Pakistan and India.  No country is going to give asylum on above case.  Worst case option is you can smuggle yourself into India.  Borders are very porous.  And north Indians and Pakistanis look same and even speak same language.  There is no way law enforcement in  India can tell that you are from pakistan unless you yourself tell it, which can lead to some severe consequences.  Once in India, your boyfriends family can take care of you and make arrangements for you to unite you with your boyfriend..

  5. come to the united states

  6. first of all run away from home and loive with a good friendwho will keep it quiet, stay in their basemet and eat or soething, until u ge tthe chance, run to the airport and fly :)

  7. Well a good idea is to go to the US to be with your boyfriend.  But visas are difficult in the US.  Google US embassy Pakistan and take a look at their website.  You will most likely have to buy a return ticket and then I guess stay on.  But  it will probably be difficult.  Europe is more easy to get into but if you are going somewhere where you dont have family or friends, things are going to be difficult.  But please whatever you do be careful.  You will be alone, young female, you will be such a target.  Human trafficking is such a big issue these days.  Please don't trust anyone, be really careful.  Human traffickers will do anything to befriend you, they could use a friendly looking woman to befriend you, they could say you look really pretty and ask if you want to become a model.  I recommend going somewhere to volunteer.  Like one of those charities who do volunteer work for poor people.  In this case you will instantly be taken care of, you will be in another place, and you will be safe.

    Good luck, and I suggest reading up on human trafficking on the net so you are aware!

  8. I do not think that this is genuine question. Not worth to answer it!

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