
HELP ME!!! I am so freaked out right now!!@#$@#%?

by  |  earlier

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is it weird for a girl to like watching pornography? i dont know what to do! please tell me if there is something wrong with me...




  1. no nothing with that. me and my friend do it all the time.

  2. I don't watch p**n.. But it's okay.. Us, girls, have sexual instincts aswell =]

  3. its fine. and if u want to recreate any scenes, jus tell me and ill be happy to help

  4. No, I don't think there is anything wrong with you.  I guess it a form of entertainment that either you like it or you don't.

  5. p**n is natural...Everyone watches it...

  6. Nope, theres probably nothing wrong with you,   admittedly it is not "the norm" as women are usually stimulated more by touch then sight.

  7. No not really as long as its not running your life or anything like that- nothing wronge with you

  8. I know people say its natural and normal.. but I'm being honest and righteous here. Stop it! It might be normal and 'hot' but it is not encouraged. p**n can turn into an addiction; it can ruin your life. How old are you???

    It's disgusting cos its not somethin a girl SHOULD do.. gosh i rather you kissed a lotta guys then watch it!

  9. Wait...hold up...let me get this straight...

    You are freaking out bcz a GIRL likes to watch p**n...

    So you must think p**n was invented for MEN only...

    Nuttier than a fruitcake.

  10. All humans are wired for s*x--you are intrigued by s*x not pornography, which is a unrealistic and fantastical portrayal of s*x. Trying to understand what s*x is by watching pornography is like trying to learn how to play a musical instrument by playing RockBand. Not the same. Never will be.

    Pornography can be very harmful and ultimately lead to your inability to have a normal, happy, healthy, stable, and satisfying relationship.

    Do yourself a favor, and stay as far away from it as possible.

  11. No, some girl are just different from the norm and enjoy doing activities that guys consider "guy activities". I mean some girls like playing "rough" sports like football.

  12. Why do u think it's wrong? Is it b/c you think only men should watch it?  I strongly believe that men and women have the same rights in every sense.  It's socially accepted that men watch p**n, but not really for women. That is plain wrong.  People are clueless about how far women still are from being equals to men.  Equal rights in sexual behavior is only an example.

  13. no..there is nothing wrong in watching p**n...infact you may not be the only one watching p**n.Even your friends might be watching and those who say they dont watch p**n....dont believe them..they are lying..

  14. Weird? No. Hot? Yes.

  15. theres really nothing wrong with it.

  16. it's not wierd, unless you think it's wierd for guys to look at pornography.

  17. No, I am a girl and I watch p**n all the time. Alone, with my friends when nothing else is on at night, with my boyfriend when there is something new updated on our favorite website.

  18. Why do you think there's something wrong with you over this?.

    Everybody watch pornography.....

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