
HELP ME! My Mom is making me go to a NUTRITIONIST and they are gonna try and make me gain 10 POUNDS!?

by  |  earlier

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But I don't want to. I am finally starting to like myself...sorta. She is scared because I used to just sit around and eat fries and get fat all day and now that i'm active and eating healthy the weight pretty much just fell off!

She forced me to go to the doctor today and he said everything was fine except how fast I lost the weight but I was alright and whatnot. But then she just had to go and say "but I want her to gain 10 pounds." So then he told her about a nutritionist he knows and now I don't know what to do!

She's prolly gonna tell my Mom to cook all these high calorie meals and everything! >_<

What do I do? Thanks. Obviously I'm a kid so I don't have a whole lot of say.




  1. a nutritionist will tell you what to eat in order to be healthy.  it would be wise to follow whatever instructions he or she gives you in order to stay healthy!  

  2. I remember when I got really low as far as weight goes, I was underweight on the BMI thingy- Only I knew it though, so whenever my mom made me go to a doctor, I would slip lead weights in my pockets to make them think I weighed more...You could do that- but it&#039;s taking a risk of getting caught, so I suggest you keep doing what you&#039;re doing!


    Though he didn&#039;t specify you had to gain 10 pounds in fat, try getting a weight set, and gaining 10 pounds of muscle! that way you&#039;re body will still look great!

  3. well, if you are too skiny most ppl will see you the same as a fat person

  4. a good girl !

    obey ur moma!

    are u anorexic/bulimia-

  5. eeek!! stuff some sandbags under your clothes

  6. Gosh!

    It should be your decision how much you weigh.

    I mean, as long as you are not anorexic or anything, why should your mom try to make you gain weight.

    That&#039;s a little wack, if you ask me.

    You are healthy now, so why should she want you to be fat again?

    I&#039;m sorry, I don&#039;t know what you can do though.

  7. If your new nutritionist recommends that you gain 10 pounds then you probably need to believe her.  Your mom, your doctor, and the nutritionist can&#039;t all be wrong!  A good nutritionist won&#039;t recommend high-calorie meals.  She&#039;ll recommend healthy foods in healthy amounts.  Try it and see before assuming that you&#039;re going to hate it.  

  8. Why don&#039;t you just go ahead and gain the ten pounds out of spite?

  9. Ok if you re read your last sentence you will realize how smart you are. That says everything . When you grow up and live on your own you can do what you want but right now listen to those who love you since they know best

  10. well u could protest nd not eat or try nd explain everything to the nutritionist although u dont have much say with ur mom a doctor cant make u do something nd might be able to reason with ur mom

  11. Go to the nutritionist and listen to her. It seems like neither you nor your mom are approaching this correctly. The nutritionist will advise you on how to eat healthy and to excercise. That is all you need to  do to maintain a healthy, normal weight. Eat right, exercise and stop obsessing about your weight.  

  12. The nutritionist will not tell your mom to cook high calorie meals.  The nutritionist will make suggestions about nutritious meals and she won&#039;t try to encourage you to gain weight if you don&#039;t need to.  Go to the nutritionist with an open mind and listen to what she has to say.

  13. The nutritionist will not try to make you gain weight no matter what you mother says if she feels that you are in the right limits for your height, build and age.  Don&#039;t worry about it too much.

    Good luck

  14. obviously there is a problem if mom is worried.  my sis is anorexic and she doesnt see it.  talk to the nutritionalist and see what they say, if you are healthy they will talk to your mom, if not trust you have a disease and dont know whats right for you right now.

  15. How much do you weight?

  16. If she takes you to a nutritionist, the nutritionist will decide if you need to gain weight or not.  If he/she says that you should gain some weight, then you should probably listen to them.  These people are experts and know what to do.

  17. just keep on exercising and eat alot of celery

    celery burns calories:]

  18. omg the almost exact thing happened to me i lost a bunch of weight then i was 10 lbs underweight...i looked not very good thow(2 skinny).....i went 2 the doctor he said 2 but on 8-10 lbs i did slowly....

    like yeah if the doctor said ur fine then i think he knows what ur talking about....ur mom might be insecure about herself and not wnat u to look good 2 make her look if ur fine i cant believe ur mom is trying to make u gain it back whenu dont have to...if u r ur minimum healthy weight then it should be fine....go back to the doctor(make an appointment with ur doctor and tell him the situation) ask him to tell ur mom that u are healthy that theres no need for the weight gain.....

    i feel 4 u!:(

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