
HELP ME NOW PLEASE, hurt bird!!! urgent?

by  |  earlier

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my grandma just came in with a hurt blue bird, its barely moving but alive, afew ants on it but i got them off, blinks now and then but wont even stand but still alive , I dunno what to do right now, something plz to make it feel better here,

messy typing need help fast sorry




  1. well dont you do it take it to a vet but dont drive fast..but if you cant get it to a vet untill tomoro than dont have lods of people round it just you or it could have a shock and die...give it seeds or worms or bread and give it lots of water and put it somewhere to rest nad dont panic if it dise thats part of lidfe and you tried your best soo please dont panic..good luck x x x

  2. how old? keep it warm and keep checking for wounds. If you find any dress them with bandages. give it water and make food  available keep trying to find a rehabilitation center or wild life center. dont move it to much. Let it rest

    hope hes ok

  3. find out where it hurts then feed it and give it water and of course take it to the vet.

  4. You need to call the vet and follow directions they give.  Human soap and antibiotics could kill the bird.  Don't do anything unless the vet tells you too.

  5. send it to a near by vet. It got hit by a car i can tell by what you said punchture wond it might live its not going to move it needs a vet.

  6. Call a local wildlife rehab..vets do not treat wildlife.  Look here for one near you:

  7. call a vet.but in the meantime clean the wounds.and try feeding it something it wont starve.also put a bit of ice on the wound i once did that and it worked.sorry if not helpfull

  8. k first check to see were its hurt and look for bandages around to put onit make sure to give it water so it stays awake or some seeds and take it to a vet

  9. first call a vet and ask what u should feed it. there are alot of vets online that u can tlk to. i took in a dove that got shot with a bb gun, it had a big wound in its wing. i would get a cage for it. if it was shots with a bb gun like mine was, the lung could be damaged even though theres not a wound. i wouldnt reccommed moving it or handeling it. and if u have to be VERY careful!! hope this helps!!

  10. I don't know what to do but I am in the same situation we found a bird that is hurt but it will omve but it's ring is practically ripped off. We think our dog got to it

  11. DO NOT GIVE IT PLAIN WATER. Mix a solution of clear Karo syrup, water and salt.  This is an electrolyte solution I use when I have birds that are going in shock.  That is 1 tablespoon of Karo syrup, dash of salt and 2 tablespoons of water.  Heat until the syrup is dissolved, make sure it is not hot and put a drop on its beak. You can do this with just your finger tip. Keep it warm.  In the meantime, call the wildlife rehabilitator in your area as treating wild birds, except for starlings, sparrows and pigeons, is illegal.  Do NOT try to feed it anything. Contact the rehabilitator or if you have a zoo in your area they may be able to help.

    Good luck

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