

by  |  earlier

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i had a baby pit that ran away for bout 3 days she came back and when she came bak she was skinny shes eating little by little and it has diaria there something wrong with her should i take her to the vet or is she just sick and it would pass??




  1. she probably didn't eat very much out there, and if she did it was more than likely from the garbage. give her just  about  2 cc of pepto (from a dropper) and feed her sparingly. if not any better in a week i would bring her to the vet.

  2. just to be safe take her to the vet  

  3. Take her to the vet to make sure she is ok

  4. you should definitely go to the vet it doesn't seem to serious but you should ask the doctors if it's something she ate something she shouldn't have

  5. She may have been scavenging and eaten something that disagreed with her digestion. Give her a bland diet (plain boiled white rice, plain yogurt or cottage cheese and boiled chicken or beef) and keep an eye on her. If she starts to vomit, has blood in her stool, becomes lethargic, stops eating or drinking, bring her to the vet.

  6. Yes I would take her to the vet for a good check over.

  7. She could be dehydrated, Pull the skin behind her neck and if it sticks together she is dehydrated. The diarrhea could be for multiple of things. She hadn't eaten in three days then she was eating again, that can cause diarrhea. I would look for fever and listlessness. Where she is laying around and very tired.

    If the diarrhea continues for another day I would recommend taking her to the vet. If you are extremely concerned call your veterinarian right now and ask.

  8. i would have her tested for parvo

  9. Yeah thats not a good sign dude, take her to the vet right away...she could have worms in her belly.

  10. Take her to the vet. Any number of things could have happened.

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