

by  |  earlier

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I bought a item on the Internet for $345, My credit card was charged and everything was smooth.

The guy tells me the money that was sent to his Paypal account was taken out and this is my fault, It is not my fault because I did not take it out Paypal did so do the math.

I got my credit card statement in the mail saying I paid for the item, He is telling me to send $345 again or else he will call the Police and have his friends come to my house kill me and get the money.

Can he even do this? What is the right actions I should do towards this?




  1. He is scamming you. Report it to your credit card company. Oh and tell him to call the police and send them right over.

  2. report him to the internet fraud division of your police dept. i have gotten burned one to many times by ebay and paypal and will never do business with them again, i go through amazon now, never had a problem with them

  3. Sounds like a scam. You need to contact the eBay administrators and report him to get your money back.

  4. it sounds your being scammed, your credit card receipt is your proof, don't loose it.

  5. Call the police first since he is stealing from you.

  6. You need to contact ebay/pay-pal and your local police department. Ebay believes the buyer over the seller. Ebay/pay pal are going to be able to track everything and help get ur money back or ur item shipped. If he wont ship there going to pull money out of his pay pal account and give it back to you. You need to call the police to though because hes threatening you.

  7. CALL the Police! Inform them of what is going on and show the emails and etc. to them, they can trace it back to it's origin.

  8. I would report it yourself and next time do business with someone who is a reputable seller. If it was on ebay you can report it you can also go on paypal and print out all activity on your paypal account to show the person. Let paypal know that you are being harassed by someone who was paid. They will have record and they will respond to that person. Your credit card statement is proof that you paid. They probably owed paypal money and now want to intimidate you into giving them more. Just keep all of your records. If they continue to threaten you go to the police yourself and file a report.  

  9. call and tell the police this guy is ripping you off.If he calls again tell him to call the police too he wont get anywhere he is just trying for more money. how awful dont worry it will be just fine but you need to talk to the officers about what he is doing.

  10. I would call both paypal and your Credit card, explain what happened and have them handle it.

    The police will not get involved, and a don't think this friends will do time over some else's $345.

  11. Have you got a recet or something to proove him rong

  12. Right on the website is a "Contact Us" link.  You log in, and send a message.  It's that simple.

    It appears this guy is trying to scam you.  There is no way "someone" could remove money sent to his paypal account.  It is very secure.

    This guy is in for real trouble.  Since paypal and/or ebay have his address and other personal information on file, you can show any written threats he has made to you to them, and insist they take vigorous action against this guy.  Additionally, reporting him to the police would be another good step, because paypal and ebay might even request you do this as a preliminary step.  Since you are the one lodging the complaint, they might use a police case number in their investigation.

    Let this guy know he's in for huge trouble.  He's like a sitting duck if he (or his goons) try anything.

  13. No, he can not do this. Your best bet would be to file a formal complaint with whatever website the purchase was made at, and also a police report (especially if he is threatening you and knows your address). Save any emails that were sent to you from him to back up proof of the threats to the police, as well as your credit card statements as proof that a payment was made for the website.

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