ok so i want to do gymnastics but i dont know if i can. i used to do a tumbling class but for some reason i really want to do gymnastics. my mind is really set on this. but my parents wont let me do my tumbling class anymore because i keep hurting my feet. and we dont have a lot of money. i owe my parents 135 dollars b/c of my cell phone, and they have to pay for my brothers private school, which is $5000. im 13, so i cant get a job. i cant really practice gymnastics at my house cuz we have no room and we dont have a trampoline. i just want to know how i can get some money FAST and explain to my parents that i wont get hurt (badly that is) in gymnastics. i also plan on paying the $160 a month for the lessons. what should i do????? please help me and dont give me those stupid answers saying get a job and a car. i cant... i am 13! ive tried to pass out babysitting fliers but no one answered. what should i do???? HELP!!!!!