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My Neighbours kids' cat just had kittens this morning. The first one was at 5:30am. I got a knock at my door at 6:00PM from the kids (over 12 hrs later) saying the cat was having trouble having more kittens (As I am known as the neighbourhood animal Anyways when I got there there was a kitten stuck in the birth canal...with a little time settling the cat down she passed this kitten and cleaned it off eating the afterbirth. I told the kids that if the third kitten still hadn't passed after an hour to come get me again. They came and got me saying the kitten hadn't passed as of yet so I went over to access the situation. The kitten was dead on the floor. I bagged this kitten for disposal and checked on the mom and the 2 kittens that survived. Now the problem is that the mom is so stressed that she isn't producing milk and the kittens are not suckling! The children's parents are not willing to take the cat and her kittens to the emergency vet and will not let me take the cat to the vet either... they are not willing to do anything for the sake of these kittens or their female cat (as I don't know if there are more kittens) and I am not sure what to do or who to contact!.... HELP!




  1. What a tough situation to be in.  What I think you may have is some cultural differences that maybe could be worked out.  Simply tell them that not getting care is not acceptable and that it could be considered animal abuse.  Then tell them that you are more than willing to take the cat to the vet.  If they are not willing to do this I would call aspca or animal control and explain the situation to them.  They will more than likely know that it was you so be prepared.  Just know that you are doing the right thing for these cats.  Good luck, and I hope they will let you help.

  2. go to the store and buy bottles and kitten milk replacer or some kitten milk. keep the kittens warm and feed them according to their weight.

  3. If I were you, I'd call a vet's office.  I know it's after hours on a Sunday, but every vet's office should have a recorded message that will give you an after-hours phone number to call and actually talk to someone.  Then, when you get hold of somebody (hopefully a vet), explain the situation and maybe he/she can help.  If you have no luck tonight, I think you should call the SPCA tomorrow.  It sounds to me like your neighbors have no business having pets if they refuse to give them the care they need.

  4. they are kid, but not you,be patient.

  5. I completely agree with cat! its is urgent that she sees a vet! call the ASPCA! call a vet! maybe they will have some connections or something! explain the situation to them!

  6. Even if the SPCA is closed- there should still be workers at the kennels and like here- there are laws that protect animals from neglect and this is neglect- call the police - explain the whole thing to them- see what is available-  

  7. Take them anyway. These people don't have any business having a pet.

    A friend of mine kidnapped a dog from his neighbor because they were neglecting it.

  8. It's tough to stand by and do nothing when you know an animal is in need, but this cat and her kittens do not belong to you.  The decision belongs to your neighbors as the owners of the animals, not to you.  You need to mind your own business, even if you don't agree with what they are doing.  You could try to call an animal shelter and ask for advice and pass it along to the owners, but don't be a nosy neighbor.  Respect their decision.

  9. Kidnap her!  She could still be in labor, its hard to tell if there is a kitten stuck in the birth canal!  This could be deadly for her and the rest of the babies.  Hope you have some formula, bottles and formula cuz it looks like you may need it if she doesn't get help.  Unfortunately I don't think there is anyone to call on a sunday night to make them seek medical attention.  The police wont probably want to waste their time, whats with people today???

  10. u can supplement the milk by going to the pet store. something could be wrong with the mothers nipples or milk supply if it dont come in in a few days there could be something really wrong. as for not knowin if there is anymore kittens u should be able to feel the belly or use a stethescope to hear heartbeats.

  11. your local animal welfare organisation-they will make sure they get the treatment they need

  12. call the rspca or whatever you call them if your from america. the animal rescue team, its anonymous, or try and tell them that the cat and kittens could die and that they need to take her to the vets asap!

  13. What needs to happen is you have to convince them to at least let you take care of the cat. Maybe you need to talk your parents so that they can make calls or even call the aspca to take the cat and her kittens away. I know this is hard but go to sleep and give it the night then ask the kids to come back in the morning for an update. If you live any where in mount prospect area a good place to send them to des plains family clinic or go to the website i will list under source. This shelter is great I help out there and I was helping the people with the cats today. There is no base shelter but there are people that take the cats to there houses and they help foster. It is awesome! Hope this helps!!!! Good luck. tell me how it goes!!! best of luck!!!

  14. TAKE HER TO THE VET! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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