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I am soooooooo fed up with my acne its all on my cheecks and jawline I HAVE TRiED EEEVVVEEERRRYYYTHiNG! i just graduated school and just got liscenced as an esthetician!! SO i know the products i'm using r good for my skin! i bought so mnay different vitamins thinking im lacking some type of vitamin...NOTHING WORKED! idk what it is BUT whenever i go to my fathers house my face is completely cleared after a month ISNT THAT SO STRANGE? so im thinking maybe i am allergic to somthing at my house BUT why isnt it everywhere on my face? im confused dnt know what to do...helppppp!




  1. go to a dermatologist- they will help and give your products to clear it up

    good luck!

  2. melt some butter and carefully put it on a paper towel and rub it on your face.

    worked excellent for me because I was fed up with all the acne medicines not working.

    hope it works  

  3. Hey. You know what I had the same sort of problem as you and asked a similar question and this is what someone answered. It really Help. Honestly try it and if it don't work then you probaly need to see a doctor. Good Luck!!

    Acne marks usually develop when you pop a pimple or squeeze it out. This action peels off the pimple and the skin forcefully and leaves a permanent mark at the affected area. The deeper the skin peels off, the darker is the mark. Sometimes, it may leave a scar, which is all the more difficult to get rid off. However, you may try out these remedies at home that will help you to get rid off acne marks and cure your face.

    * Take the fresh juice of lemon and dip some cotton wool in it. Pat your face with the cotton and let it dry. Some people may find the lemon juice irritating. In that case, you can dilute it in some water or rose-water. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and wash your face with water after that. Do this at least four times a week and you will find considerable change.

    * Make a paste with some sandalwood powder and rose-water. Add 2-4 drops of lime juice to it. Apply this paste on your face and neck and let it dry completely. After that, rinse your face with cool water and wipe off the paste with cotton wool. Do this on a regular basis (twice a week) to get good results.

    * Apply cucumber juice on your face with cotton wool. In summers, you can do this almost daily as it helps cool off the skin and tighten the pores. Cucumber juice is very helpful is making your skin glow and make it feel fresh.

    * A popular homemade remedy for removing acne marks is to make a paste of apple and honey. Make the apple paste first and then add 4-6 drops of honey. Apply this mask on your face. Wash off after 15 minutes. This will tighten pores and make your complexion light.

    What you don't know yet- I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know what you can cure any sort of acne within 3 days? Seems impossible right? Well visit and see

  4. There are tons of acne removal tips out there on the net.  Trust me, your acne can be cured naturally, millions have done so already.  From your description above it definitely sounds as if you are allergic to something.  I would go to your Family doctor and have them do an allergy test on you just to see what it is that your allergic too.  

  5. use that cream that P.Diddy sponsers

  6. it could be a few things. maybe your house is very dry and your not hydrationg your skin enough? try drinking 3 or 4 bottles of water per day. or 6 to 8 glasses.

    second thing it could be is stress. maybe your stressed at your house, but you calm downand relax at your dads house.

    and thing it could be is a hormonal imbalnce, try going on the birth control pill, this generally helps to clear up acne.

    also dont over wash your face, and dont use moisturizersa nd make up that have oil in them, these will clog your pores.

  7. have you tired birth control for acne, it works really well for me.  i used to have it all over, and now I'm completely clear, i don't use any products.

  8. Use proactive,it's AMAZING and make sure not to wear makeup and wash your face first think in the morning,right before you go to bet and don't touch it a lot.

    Answer mine,please!

  9. Maybe you should give your face a break.  You don't want to dry out your skin with so many products.  Maybe it is something your eating? Peanuts, fruits, etc.  Do you have any pets? Maybe it is that.  A dog or cat.  Do you have any seasonal allergies?  Maybe its pollen.  It might also be the pillow sheet you sleep on. Or your clothes.  Maybe the detergent you use?  I am not really sure.  I am just trying to name some ideas.  Maybe it is the makeup you may be using.  Stop using it for a while to see what happens.

  10. if you live far away from your father it could be the weather, for example if its humid where you are & not where he is.

  11. try seeing a dermatologist, that may help clear up some of your questions

  12. Try Retin-A micro

    Works really well on most people but u have to use it for at least a month to see results.

    It also helps with wrinkles as an added bonus!

    A dermatologist can prescribe it…it’s Not an over the counter med.

  13. Make an appointment with a dermatologist!! As soon as possible. They will definitely know what is wrong with your face and why you are getting acne. It may be something with your hormones.

  14. ask your doctor.

    specifically a skin doctor. they will prescribe pills

    and try oxy.

  15. I would seriously try ProActiv. It worked wonders for my brother in law. His face was TERRIBLE and cleared right up.

    And if you can't afford that, try Wal Mart's brand of Acne Removal (which is just as amazing)--I can't remember the name of it, but it's a kit.

    Good luck! You'll find a cure :)

  16. I find fresh air helps me, and lots of it!!  I did go to the doctors as well who prescribed something for me which helped but not as much as being on holiday on a boat or camping so I was outside all the time.  Hope that helps.  Good luck.

  17. Teen Vegetarian Advice: Vegetarian Diet For Acne and Flat Tummy

    'I'm not overweight but I would love a flat tummy ... I also have bad acne ... please send a vegetarian diet for my tummy and skin' .

  18. You sure you just Graduated? Know what spell check is for?  

    Acne is hormones, you can control it by medication, or hormone therapy, consult your doctor.    

  19. i had acne for a while and i went to visit a friend out of the country and my face cleared up right away and i wondered why that had happened and i learned that a lot of times acne is caused by pollution in the air. so i tried proactiv and it really worked for me. Just wash your face 2 to 3 times a day and your acne should start to clear up in about a week. hope i helped.

  20. Try sticking to one product for a month. I use the nuetrogena wave but u should try proactive. the first week or two u might breakout but then it all goes down :)

  21. i guess you havent tried pro active it auctually works!!!

  22. forget all these chemically based products what worked for me is Lemons....Serious cut up a lemon and smear it all over your face, it sounds gross but actually works its got a natural acid that reacts with the bacteria, it stings a little but hey i had severe acne and was going to go doctors and mum said try lemon and yup it worked use for at least two weeks it clears up fast oh and rinse your face after hehe dont want to be sticky all day

    Love ya mum xox

  23. Get Differin prescribed to чou bч чour Doctor, It works wonders on acne, on чour face, shoulders, chest, back .. it's for anчwhere! You will, for certain .. see a difference over a couple of daчs .. it will drч чour skin out, but just moisterise and it's fine.


  24. actually even m sufferin frm acne n pimples,n i tried many medicines myself,n even i'v got them on my chin n igot them on my nose 2.

    i tried many therapies, ryt nw m undergoing ayurvedic therapy,n it does seem 2 work,my pimples on my nose have really reduced

    my doc told me its bcoz of hormonal changes,n she adviced me not 2 take 2 oily  n high protein content foods....u cud also try this out.n ya u shud also wash ur face atleast 6 times a does help.

  25. You know I was the same way.... but, come to find out, I have very sensitive skin. I started using Prescriptives and my face immediately cleared up. I know you know the do's and don't's of cleansing and care-- so I won't go there. But, I do remember my dermatologist saying when it's on the jaw line, it's too much testosterone. There are pills that will suppress that in you and they work long term & not expensive, if you have medical.

  26. go to a doctor like a dermatologist they can set you up with some good lotions and creams if you live in the uk like me then you get this stuff free

  27. go to a dermatologist  

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