
HELP ME!! hahah!!?

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Can someone please HELP!!!

I found a website a few weeks ago for a summer programme in the USA and now i cant find it - even GOOGLE isnt helping!!!

It is for uni students who go to the USA for summer intenships and you stay in UCLA accomodation.

If anyone knows what the website is please let me know as i want to enrol!!!!





  1. I have found these for you

  2. becareful of those offers, i seen on tv about the human slave business and some russian girls were lured in by that same exact thing....they were lucky and escaped and was able to tell their story and the bad guys went to jail..

  3. The fact that you can't find it even with Google may mean that it has been removed for some reason. If it wasn't genuine, you can be thankful that you didn't get involved with it.

    Here is a link for looking up past links on the Internet, though most of these are dead and no longer can be used for more than just reference material.
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