
HELP ME! please I'm confused! Wat should i do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i have a chance of being in this volleyball team but I'm afraid I'm not going to hav enough time for my studies. i hav never bee in any sport team during school so i hav practices mondays and thursdays and on wendsdays i hav this class i hav 2 go 2! this tear i hav the hardest teachers and hardest classes. i hav honors things. So I'm scare my grades will drop i am an all a's student and hate getting B's so what should i do?




  1. live a little your grades will go back up and plus its not volleyball all year take it from me i play volleyball too.  

  2. i def think you should join the team and if your grades start to get bad then you could always just quit the team.

    but I'm almost positive you will have enough time, i have volleyball practice everyday expect holidays year round for at least 4 hours a day and i got a's in every class. so i think you'll be good.

  3. You must work on your time management.  Use a daily, "to do" list to make sure you stay on task.  Get a planner if necessary in order to help you become more organized with your schedule.  

  4. My friend Hannah takes all IB classes, (including AP) is caption of the band, in the dancing& singing choir and she has two jobs.

    I think you could manage vollyball & some classes.

  5. I think if you did volleyball you would still have enough time. Even if you do get a B or so, it's not going to hurt you! B's are great grades. If volleyball is your passion, go with it.  

  6. join

    if yoo have failing grades just quit

    but if yoo dont yoo might miss out

    yoo have nothing to lose!

  7. definitely join the team. if you're too stressed you can always explain it to your coach and he/she will understand. i play three varsity sports are in all AP and honors classes and still pull off all A's. it just takes a couple of late nights, rough mornings and having your whole life revolve around your team who becomes your family and only friends. lol.

    and if you seriously think its a bad idea, don't do it. but go with your heart and what you want to do. good luck!  

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