
HELP ME please!!!!!!!!!!

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i am a 15 yr old guy.i am 5'8-5'9 and i weigh 135 pounds.Am i underweight ??how to gain weight??

i dont want to eat a lot of fat because it may worsen my acne.So,wat cud be the solution?




  1. dont eat fat because then you will be fat duh. and that is just gross. but you shold just eat more food or eat whenever your hungry and you should gain some weight. but try and eat healthy stuff.  

  2. It's very common for young guys to be skinny, because they're growing fast and are active.  Don't be too concerned about being a little underweight at this time, it's better than being one of the many chubby people that are increasing in the population.  As you grow older you will begin to fill out, as your growth spurt ends and you metabolism slows down.  Don't obsess over trying to pack on body fat, it will come back to haunt you when you need to control your weight as an adult.  Just eat a balanced diet.  Include lots of vegetables and fruits, which most Americans eat too little of.  Since you're under baseline, you have the luxury of eating as much as you want until you are full.  When you start to fill out you'll need to be careful, and cut back on the carbohydrates to avoid getting fat.

    Stay active - do sports, martial arts, dancing or other physical activity.  Regular physical activity clears the path between your body and brain, and gives you accurate signals about whether you're hungry or not.  Avoid processed foods, that are loaded with corn syrup, sugar, and salt.  Too much of these ingredients can scramble your biochemistry and make you think you're hungry when you're not.

  3. i'm 16 and 6'0 and i'm only 145... so i guess like me, your just skinny. i have a really fast metabolism. that's probably why you're skinny.

    i eat a lot. like a lot of food. but i just don't gain weight. be glad you're not struggling with your weight.

    if you wanna gain weight/muscle mass, eat meat and work out.

  4. The key ingredient to gaining muscle mass is to add lots of PROTEIN to your daily diet. You should have 1.0-1.5 grams of protein for each pound you weigh. Protein helps your body to build lean muscle after your workout. Speaking of workout, I would start with simple toning exercises (low weight/more reps) to get your muscles used to being worked. After about 2 weeks you can go to the strengthening exercises (high weight/low reps). This will break down your muscles fast and with all the protein in your diet, when they heal it will be solid lean muscle mass. Muscle weighs alot more than fat. I've done this, and gained 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks. One together I've gained 23 pounds, and its all muscle.

  5. When i was 13 i was 5'9" and 144. So yeah you may be underweight. To gain weight you need to eat until your full and eat more meat.

  6. Well actually consumption of fat does not increase your acne problems at all. If you actually spread fat on your face then maybe you would brak out even more. But to gain weight you should go to Coldstone Creamery and order a Got to Have it Cookies n' Creamery shake. The shake contains about 2000 calories. It is delicious and full of calories. Other ways to gain is to work out and drink protein shakes, or dont work out and drink protein shakes it turns into fat if you dont work out and they are very healthy since they are meal replacements. Also they no longer taste like c**p.

  7. eat more and not so much as fat but food that isn't reduced fat or no fat and don't be so activity if you are.

  8. you could try drinking some protein shakes and lifting weights and working out, the muscles will make you weigh more.

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