

by  |  earlier

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Ok, So there is this guy that is really funny and stuff, and we also went out 2 times and broke up because he was nasty, but he changed ALOT now. There is this girl that is 2 years younger than him. She once gave my a black eye using her bike (and the bump is still there), but it was an accident, and she tells me it was MY fault (when everyone agrees with me) and i am still mad at her. You see, she really likes him, and mooches off him everytime she see's him. I hate it when she says everytime i come to say hi, she says, "ughh, sarahs coming" and he said, "what do u mean?" and she didnt answer. I hate it how she shows off and when we all tell her to stop flirting she says, "Seriously, im being myself!!!" but she isnt! I guess i still have feelings for him, but i was thinking, he is shorter than me, so he cant reach my cheeks if he wanted to kiss me. Also, i think it will be best if we stay BFFL, and he calls me "s**y" or "hot" everyday. And he says he doesnt like her........ but she thinks diffrently and keeps mooching off him. How do i get over my jealousy? LOL i prob wont get answers because this is long, but i just cant shorten my story.




  1. You still have feelings for him kinda. Anyways getting over him just try and thank of all the bad and stupid things he did. just ignore her she's probably doing that to get at you for something. just ignore her wants she sees that it's not bothering you she will back of.

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